TBH, at lot depends on what direction you want to go in, small like pens & bottle stoppers, bowls? Up what size, spindle work? Upto what length, Vases and hollow forms? Again size and length.
For first time Turner the setup costs can be high, even used, often tools, chucks, accessories can outcost the lathe.
I would suggest you first look for your local turning club or mens sheds group. Both can be great way to try stuff and see what you like.
Sadly I never went that route as a newbie and wasted £100's of pounds and months of frustration, even gave up for a year. Then found a local informal group that let me join in and got used to the turning scene. They've since disbanded as they've moved away, but that few weeks helped shape my choices, enjoy bowl turning and small stuff and hate spindle work. Which was interesting as my first cheap lathe was long , ideal for spindle work, as was my next used, but more capable lathe, but not ideal for what I wanted to do.
So my advice is definitely search out some local turning, mens sheds or local woodwork group first, try it and see what you like.