"Friend Or Foe?"


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One more thought, Woody et al.

Many email programs give the option of a preview panel..or to be able to see the first couple of sentences of the contents. DISABLE this feature as by doing this you effectively open the email. Resist the temptation to even peek at the junk!

Theoretically they can put a nasty inside the header of your email so that you just get infected by receiving the damn thing..However, there also have to be many other holes on your system for this to happen...so don't worry about this one :wink:
Thanks Rsinden.

My son phoned from the US last night (lucky bugger is working there at the moment) and from what he said i think the crash and the keylogger may have been 2 completely different problems.

At sometime during the day i will take a break from work to have a cuppa and answer my clients emails, and i often have the laptop on my lap (now theres a surprise) and this is what i was doing when it crashed. When i think about it the laptop felt a bit hot underneath and every time i pressed a key it beeped. Well according to my son this could be a sign that the fan is on its way out or at least that it is under strain. Anyone come across this before?

Getting back to the keylogger how could this have got in to my laptop? Theres no way that i can check to see if it was in a email because when i reinstalled XP it wiped everything out.

One thing that i often do while surfing is to turn the Internet Security off for a few seconds. I have to do this when i want to get on certain web sites such as Axminster. I do not know why i can't get on there with the Norton enabled, any ideas?. Could a virus or something else have got in when i have done this?

