French wiring. What is this?

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dedee - the answer you have from Paul Punch (that's his real name) - you can trust him, he's a registered artisan and a nice guy - I met him once when he did me a favour.
Thanks Dick,

seems although not very neat it is not uncommon. So I will leave well alone.

BTW what are you known as over there (completefrance).

Do you ever pass this way? As you know I am only 5 mins from the Mesnil de Bavent.


Good call on the wiring - if it ain't broke, etc.

I'm known, with stunning originality, as Dick Smith, but about as popular as a cup of cold sick, due to arguments with the mods (who can be pretty unpleasant - people complain about mods here, but really!) who banned a mate of mine for asking awkward questions. There was a lot of argy bargy, including publishing bits of people's blogs in their magazine without payment or acknowledgement.

There is another member who posts mostly in the turning section. I'll leave him to introduce himself if he wants to.

We haven't been up in your neck of the woods for some years, family holidays at Houlgate and school trips to somewhere in between. We may be later in the year, we have family visits planned.
John, thanks.

I was aware of and am a member at Totalfrance. I've only been looking at Completefrance for 2 days so would dare not pass comment on the members nor content but the forum software sucks. It won't even let me use Safari to link to a photobucket image using the IMG tags.

This is the only forum a look at on a daily basis and have been doing so for 7 years and would like to think I know who is worth listening too. I do not seem to have the time to access any other forums at the same level so I tend to try an research elsewhere any replies to my queries.

I've seen worse, just make sure you don't trip over all that conduit.

Have you tried the forum on Angloinfo? I'm always finding bargains on there, lots of people selling up (well, trying to)
I agree, AI - great for finding bargains but a lot of the other info posted is what you might call "suspect" IMHO.

As a Newbie here I am very impressed by the quality of the information and the willingness to share.
JMcK":krigt11u said:
I agree, AI - great for finding bargains but a lot of the other info posted is what you might call "suspect" IMHO.

Especially some of the posts' I put up!!!

Which department in the sw are you?
