I hadn't but I have now. It does provide some useful extra context including that she had posted some other things that contributed to her prosecution but no further detail so it does still appear to be that she was prosecuted for that one posting.
I also hadn't seen the entire post that is included in the judgement.
I suppose that it could be argued that the 'While you're at it...' could be construed as a call to arms but I still maintain that it was still part of her opinion.
Have a look at the video I've linked to below. It is a chap who is an actual barrister and so an expert and he gives opinions on the law and he addressed the point of when does opinion cross the line into incitement. It is very interesting and whilst he doesn't give an opinion on the Lucy Connolly case, I think it the explanation shows that what she said didn't meet the criteria. I have no idea why her counsel would advise her to plead guilty but putting that aside, if you look at the actual guidance as given in that can you honestly say that she was inciting violence and or racial hatred or just expressing an opinion.
I used to watch blackbeltbarrister videos often, but he's really moved into the shock tactic world of late. He appears to favour right wing populism posts so I no longer watch his content. Too many click bait titles, jumped on the cash cow like many others. You may have seen his interviews with Tommy Robinson, it felt like a very disingenuous money grab.
I'd consider reviewing his content again to see if he's found his integrity. But for me, he's no longer credible.
Of course, this is all my opinion and based on my personal view.
Although I wonder if anyone else may have reached a similar conclusion.