Has anyone reviewed the cast iron saw from fox yet?The reason I ask
has to do with the dreaded d*d* word.Having a set of cutters and chippers
only allows me at the moment to use them in my radial arm saw.I am fully aware of the in's and out's legal-wise but dammit I want one in a table saw. My present machine is a schepach ts2000 which is certainly not
powerful enough.After hearing about scheppach's grooving cutter being
the only legal way to use one of these I then wondered if the cutter would fit other cheaper machines?I wondered how sheppach manage to fit a grooving cutter to their machine without the arbor being considerably longer than is presently allowed.If I do not get a satisfactory answer I will
have to pass the hat round you lot till I have enough cash to go and live next door to Norm.Thanks in anticipation.(of the answer,not the cash)
has to do with the dreaded d*d* word.Having a set of cutters and chippers
only allows me at the moment to use them in my radial arm saw.I am fully aware of the in's and out's legal-wise but dammit I want one in a table saw. My present machine is a schepach ts2000 which is certainly not
powerful enough.After hearing about scheppach's grooving cutter being
the only legal way to use one of these I then wondered if the cutter would fit other cheaper machines?I wondered how sheppach manage to fit a grooving cutter to their machine without the arbor being considerably longer than is presently allowed.If I do not get a satisfactory answer I will
have to pass the hat round you lot till I have enough cash to go and live next door to Norm.Thanks in anticipation.(of the answer,not the cash)