FLV files


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Steve Maskery

Established Member
26 Apr 2004
Reaction score
OK so we've established that small email text is nothing to do with some weird setup I might have. So we move on to the next problem, this time PC rather than Mac.

I've exported an FLV file from Premiere Pro. I'd like to upload it to YouTube. I used to be able to view such files without any problems, but I have re-formatted my disk, installed XP afresh and now some things don't work like they used to.

I have Flash 10 installed as a plugin to Firefox, but still my PC doesn't recognize .FLV as a valid file type. So I can produce .FLVs but not view them.


I'm pulling my hair out here! It shouldn't be this difficult!

Any and all help gratefully received.
Can you view other online video like YouTube, Blip, etc?

Do you have VLC installed? If not WHY NOT? videolan.org
As wizer says you need a player capable of playing FLV files.
When you view them via a web page they're 'normally' embeded within a swf so firefox will then render them.

As Tom says use VLC - there should be a version for your mac as well.
I've installed VLC. I'm running Xp with Windows Media 11. I still can't view the FLV files I've created. I'm sorely tempted to used a very rude TLA, beginning with W and ending with F. There is a T somewhere in the middle.
Can you just open the flv file from within vlc rather than trying from within a file browser - you should be able to. It could be that the machine just hasn't associated flv files with vlc - can't remember htf you do that on windows though.
So VLC does not play the FLV? Then the FLV is corrupt. Check your export settings in Premiere
Yes that works, thank you very much.
It's different to how it used to behave, but that is OK.
Considering I used to be an IT professional, I hate flppin' computers.
To get the file association, you need to right click the FLV, then 'Open With' then 'Chose Programme' then select VLC but make sure you tick the box that says 'always use the selected...blah'
It doesn't take long to be left behind with computers nowadays.
I used to repair them (component level) and now can hardly recognise component bits of my laptop board when I take it to bits for cleaning - it's only 5 years ago that I repaired them. Another couple of years and it'll be as if I'd never worked on them.
agreed, I'm lost with W7 or Vista. Because I neither use or support them.
Me four.

I hate PC's - there are simply too many variables invovled in working with their users.

Servers are a different type of b1tch - I find them much more interesting to work on, assuming I'm the only one with root access. Multiple root access can make things tricky - but equally an interesting challenge.

Routing is even more fun (to me) but working in routing is hard to come by - since the last datacenter I worked for went TU.

The worst thing involved with IT is the clients imo - far too many of them think that since they can operate word (sort of) they think they know how computers work - and servers well they're just bigger computers ain't they.
I design the chips some of this crap code runs on

*tut tut tut*

I also hate computers
