Right, all I need now is my cubit rod and about 1000 cubic feet of gopher wood and I'm all set...
<cut to "Ark-u-like", Fore Street, somewhere in Cornwall. A camper van floats past with 6 ducklings following behind, mistaking it for their mother. (The local duck optician having already been swept away)>
Customer: 'Scuse me? Miss?
Ark builder to the stars: Who you calling miss? That's Ms to you, chum.
<ABTTS tucks pencil behind ear>
ABTTS What can I do you for, squire? I should tell you now, we're right out of gopher wood. I sent the lad to gopher some and 'e ain't come back yet. I could do you a lovely bee-jou 4 berth for the family; ensuite, stalls for pets, elderly relatives, and two of each animal that walketh upon the earth. Pigeons is very popular for olive branch recovery these days. Can't get doves for love or money. It's a sham' Ham couldn't be here to show you the dee-lux model, but we're washed off our feet at the moment...
<camera pans away from "Ark-u-like" to reveal scripwriter furiously tapping away at a keyboard with her nose - due to the canvas jacket restricting arm movement. Walls are, naturally, padded...>
Cheers, Alf
Right out of dried frog - couldn't you guess? :roll: