Floating stair treads


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11 Mar 2009
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So I need to make 13 stair treads for a floating staircase that we intend on putting in our house next year. I have calculated that I need 16 cu ft of oak, but it got me thinking as to whether I could make them from 18mm birch which I can laminate with 3mm oak veneer (if such a thing exists). I was then going to mitre the joints with a drawer lock joint. To buy 13 oak treads is £2700, and as I have the kit and the skill to make them myself, I am sure I could save a tidy amount.
Can be done but I wonder if they will need 18 x2 glued together for strength.? Y.ou would also need to laminate top and bottom to prevent warping.i suspect you would have to make your own veneer which will require a large bandsaw and a thicknesser. Not for the fainthearted.
Can be done but I wonder if they will need 18 x2 glued together for strength.? Y.ou would also need to laminate top and bottom to prevent warping.i suspect you would have to make your own veneer which will require a large bandsaw and a thicknesser. Not for the fainthearted.
Yes. It probably would be more hassle than it's worth.
What size are the treads?

Quick very rough maths, if 1m long x 300mm deep x 50mm thick at £5k a cubic metre that comes to only £75 per tread?
Why venner ? My open stairs have a 3 1/2 " thick tread made of 22mm oak made into a box with a locked mitre joint . These are fitted over short battens screwed to the strings making a very simple construction. With floating you'd need to find a way to close one end of the tread that looks good.
For regs he can only have a 100mm gap so for a 200mm rise he needs a 100mm tread. Making a box is possibly easier than solid.
can only have a 100mm gap so for a 200mm rise he needs a 100mm tread
Good point, wasn't thinking about the gap, I have done the open tread ones with a thinner down stand, but have never made a "floating" staircase, mostly all made with under carrier supports:

How did you get to that volume?

On the basis of 13 treads, using the sizes @Doug71 used, but buying 52mm sawn stock comes in at <8 ft3
I calculated it as follows allowing some excess.

100mm thick
1000mm long
250mm wide

Cut from 41mm waney edge sawn oak.