OK, quick little update. Spent the last day righting these wrongs. All seven doors are looking good now. I'm happy with the gaps on all of them and I'm pleased I spent the time getting them right.
Used a variety of methods in the end as each one required a something a little different.
One door I was able to get away with just unscrewing the latch side and packing it out. This closed the gap nicely.
The next one required a bit more work. This was the first door that I did, for the airing cupboard. I had also cut the first hinge on the woring side, so from inside you could see the error. So, I cut 3mm off the hinge side of the door, which removed the hinge recesses. Sanded back and routed the hinges onto the door again, properly this time.
The I filled the hinge recesses on the lining and flattened...
Glued and pinned a 6mm filler strip on. The gap will be covered by the stop.
Filled and made good, ready for new hinge recesses to be cut...
New hinges cut and door hung. On this on the gap was about 3/4mm too big, so by taking 3mm off the door and adding 6mm filler strip, it closed it up nicely.
On two other doors, I unscrewed the linings, tapped them out, removed the head, shortened it down 3/4mm, reattached and the refit the lining. Hung the door and all was good.
Finally it was the bathroom/ensuite which had the bow in the middle. I removed the door, and cut the hinge side down by 3mm and recut for hinges. Then removed the lining like the others and packed the top and bottom to get the gap consistent and no bow. (I didn;t fancy planing anything).
Gap before...
Gap after...
So some good lessons learned, but fortunately I've ended up with it all feeling about as spot on as I could have hoped for. Taken a bit more time that I thought it would but really happy with the end result.

Thanls for all the help, tips and suggestions. It certainly pushed me to get it right!