Fitted wardrobe fun

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Established Member
28 Aug 2016
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Some might remember I had a thread about some wall panelling I was doing where the ceiling was 5" out of level (nearly finished it, will update soon) well of course I get the job of fitting some wardrobes in the bedroom above, I do get all the good jobs 🙃

I didn't make the wardrobes I was just asked to fit them. I was told they would turn up fully assembled and painted which they didn't, just a big pile of bits with a few parts missing, some of the carcasses didn't even fit together properly without a good bit of trimming. When we enquired about the missing parts we were told they got missed because they were still in the paint shop, they got sent but not painted which accounts for the 50 shades of grey. The polythene is still on the doors as I thought they might be going back, you might be able to tell from the photos that even the doors that turned up at the same time are different colours 🤣🤣🤣

I do enjoy a challenge and it was actually good fun to fit despite the supply problems. The wardrobe on the right is actually about an inch lower than the one on the left to try and make things look something like right. The supplier is sending over a painter for a couple of days to sort out the paintwork.

I start fitting out the dressing room this week 🤔

wardrobe 1.jpg

wardrobe 2.jpg

wardrobe 3.jpg
Rather you than me Doug :)that is one heck of difference in levels over that distance especially on the left hand side:eek:i do like those units though(y)
What a nightmare of a job Doug! I would definitely have run away as quickly as I could!
Nothing you could have done to improve on that.
All finished and properly painted now so thought I would post finished pictures. They look nice but the only bit of real wood is the cornice and freestanding units feet, everything else (including the doors) is MDF or ply.

finished wardrobe.jpg

Also got the dressing room finished, much more straightforward

dressing room 1.jpg

And although this one was supposedly supplied as a freestanding unit all the panels and moulds etc had to be cut to size

dressing room 2.jpg

Last job was putting the shelves in the freestanding unit which is when I found out they were supplied 30mm short :rolleyes:

short shelf.jpg
Just curious Doug but is it just that one room in house that is completely out of whack or is the rest iffy as well ?
Just curious Doug but is it just that one room in house that is completely out of whack or is the rest iffy as well ?

It's a big old hall and there are a few iffy parts but don't think anything has moved for years. The old place had the roof re slated earlier in the year and the wall plates above the wonky room showed more or less level so it's a bit of a strange one, you never know what work has been done to these old buildings.

I made a kitchen window for the place (which is the other side of the building) about 20 years ago which I remember templating and making about 2" out of square to fit the opening, I will try and get a photo of it tomorrow if it's still there!
OK thank you :) If all things were square and true life would indeed be less complicated when fitting units or window's etc, but where's the fun in that;).

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