Almost 6 months since my last post on the workshop thread, but this will probably be the last. I'm waiting for a couple more machines to be delivered (bench drill press and planer/thicknesser), and need to install PVC ducting for the cyclone instead of swapping a flexihose between machines, but its good to finally be making stuff in a workshop I built! (hammer)
This is my main bench area for hand-tool work
Secondary bench area, not yet fitted out completely. This will have the drill-press, sharpening station, and eventually a small vacuum frame-press (shop-built), which greatly enhances gluing braces to guitar tops and backs. I also put my pattern-makers vice here, as it tends to be a magnet for guitar neck/headstock etc, so I kept it off my main bench.
Sanding corner, strategically next to the Clearvue cyclone. Jet edge sander and Leman twin-drum thickness sander.
Part of my wood stash. This is dry, acclimatised and ready to use. I have a dehumidifier keeping the workshop around 45% relative humidity. Only problem is that it generates heat as a byproduct, and I built the workshop very well insulated to keep noise pollution down for the neighbours. So, with the dehumidifier pumping out warm air, a big machine+cyclone running, it quickly gets hot in there even in winter. I think a small AC is in the works... The planer/thicknesser will sit in this area.
The rest of the wood stash in the roofspace. This is not so easily accessible, but I use it for wood which needs a few years before being stable enough to build with.
So, that's my guitar-building workshop, hope at least some of you found it of interest
Cheers, Drew