First Work Bench and last item made

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Established Member
14 Aug 2020
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North Bucks
Okay so this was my first attempt at making a bench, not a proper woodworking bench just something I can work on and progress a few non existant skills. Its not very English except an Englishman made it :) and yes being a complete novice I wimped out on proper joints and went for large bolts.

Still its sturdy and basically level. Like another poster here I made a couple of novice errors, firstly buying the wood from a timber yard unseen and getting sucked into allowing them to cut it to size for a price. Their idea of cutting to size was some lengths longer that the requested size and some shorter. Now longer I could get but shorter..nope. Add to that their fancy saw spilt oil on the wood and left blue clamp marks all over the planed wood :eek: left me in no doubt not to use them again (after a refund of course)

Second mistake was thinking I could laminate 2x4 timbers into a worktop without any experience, insuffient clamps and no work bench and come out with a half level surface. Oh well got there in the end after several hours with a hand plane.


So having a bench enabled me to actually use my bandsaw for a simple creative item nothing fancy but it was fun and made from a piece of scrap from the bench. Still needs a little sanding and oiling to finish it off.

.....not a proper woodworking bench just something I can work on

That's pretty much the definition of a yep, that's a proper woodworking bench. You need a vice though.

That looks like it's in the corner of your lounge. Either that, or you've got the smartest workshop in history.
That's pretty much the definition of a yep, that's a proper woodworking bench. You need a vice though.

That looks like it's in the corner of your lounge. Either that, or you've got the smartest workshop in history.
yep a vice is next on the list of to do items, but I think I will need to re think part of the bench as I followed a set of internet plans that did not include a vice. Although once I find a vice I may be able to fit it without too much butchery.

I am very lucky with the workshop its a converted garage, two thirds a proper room walled off from the other third which remains a storage area with the original garage doors,. Over the years the room has been a toy room for the kids, a gym, art room, photo studio (soh not me) junk room and now reborn as a workshop (although Im under instruction not to clutter it with junk and make it filthy dirty) So I need to work on the dust extraction, air filter arrives from Axi tomorrow :)
Nice bench. As Mike said get a vice. I made a temporary bench two years ago, with no vice, and the intention to build a proper bench with a vice soon. Two years later I’m very good at creative work holding but have wasted hours working out how to do stuff without a vice.
Dear God when I think back 40 odd years ago to my first bench, bits of chipboard and salvaged timber and built into a recess in the wall to stop it wobbling about yours is a king compared, very smart indeed I like the way you recessed the boltheads, I’m sure you already know but you need a plinth behind the legs at the bottom or you will just get a huge pile of shavings built-up under your bench, It’s amazing the way they get kicked under there, mind you with a monitor on on the top you’re using it as more of a workstation. So, now’s the time to start planning the next bench with a vice in mind, (sorry). So you will need an apron front with the back jaw either morticed into the apron or behind it. Nice work,Ian
What, not clutter it with junk, and don't make it filthy. That's what a workshop is for. At least that's what my shed's like.:ROFLMAO:

Nice bench by the way.

A bench without a vice reminds me of a very clever American woodworker I saw once. (Sorry Mike they do exist - I know I was surprised as well) and he inspired me to look at ways of holding work as it is being worked on in an entirely new light, it may take me some time to find it and I will open up a new post with it as I thought it was really good. Ian – not that even he was actually saying you don’t need a vice!
Pretty nice bench for a first go. That will make the woodworking so much easier. Pretty nice bandsaw box too. They are a good way to use up scraps.
I have a garden bench that belonged to my father (now passed on )
Just had to replace the top with some decking boards , It lives in the garden all year round , does come in handy for a lot of things
That looks like a great first bench. Shame you had some hassle with the timber merchant.

Had to do a double take on the bandsaw box - never seen one like that before. How have you kept the two drawers opening and closing smoothly?
That looks like a great first bench. Shame you had some hassle with the timber merchant.

Had to do a double take on the bandsaw box - never seen one like that before. How have you kept the two drawers opening and closing smoothly?

I'm not sure how to answer really, this bandsaw box is very VERY simple, the drawers sit in the box bottom and simply pull out. there is a tiny upturn in the box bottom before the "crack" which stops the drawers falling into each other, but to be honest its as simple as can be once you know the sequence. If you fancy having a go this is where I got the instructions from I'd love to take credit for the design but
If you like the idea of bandsaw boxes there are lots of ways to make them, have a google for a creator by the name Lois Keener Ventura some of her works are stunning being more fluid. Some designers specialise in more technical boxes that are "puzzle boxes" that are designed to open in a particular hidden way.

Basically you can make them as intricate or as basic as you like, using scraps or purpose made laminated blocks of wood.