Established Member
Okay so this was my first attempt at making a bench, not a proper woodworking bench just something I can work on and progress a few non existant skills. Its not very English except an Englishman made it
and yes being a complete novice I wimped out on proper joints and went for large bolts.
Still its sturdy and basically level. Like another poster here I made a couple of novice errors, firstly buying the wood from a timber yard unseen and getting sucked into allowing them to cut it to size for a price. Their idea of cutting to size was some lengths longer that the requested size and some shorter. Now longer I could get but shorter..nope. Add to that their fancy saw spilt oil on the wood and left blue clamp marks all over the planed wood
left me in no doubt not to use them again (after a refund of course)
Second mistake was thinking I could laminate 2x4 timbers into a worktop without any experience, insuffient clamps and no work bench and come out with a half level surface. Oh well got there in the end after several hours with a hand plane.
So having a bench enabled me to actually use my bandsaw for a simple creative item nothing fancy but it was fun and made from a piece of scrap from the bench. Still needs a little sanding and oiling to finish it off.
Still its sturdy and basically level. Like another poster here I made a couple of novice errors, firstly buying the wood from a timber yard unseen and getting sucked into allowing them to cut it to size for a price. Their idea of cutting to size was some lengths longer that the requested size and some shorter. Now longer I could get but shorter..nope. Add to that their fancy saw spilt oil on the wood and left blue clamp marks all over the planed wood
Second mistake was thinking I could laminate 2x4 timbers into a worktop without any experience, insuffient clamps and no work bench and come out with a half level surface. Oh well got there in the end after several hours with a hand plane.

So having a bench enabled me to actually use my bandsaw for a simple creative item nothing fancy but it was fun and made from a piece of scrap from the bench. Still needs a little sanding and oiling to finish it off.