Somewhat extinguished member
Indeed. It's a mess.I have tried to find out what the current situation is when importing from UK into Italy but if the major companies and many of the couriers are still struggling what chance do I have?
Indeed. It's a mess.I have tried to find out what the current situation is when importing from UK into Italy but if the major companies and many of the couriers are still struggling what chance do I have?
Following an 18 month customs-related debacle with Dropit Hideit Loseit some years ago I avoid them like the plague....It would seem that DHL in particular should be avoided, but this is just from info gleaned from the internet - I don't have any personal experience, so Ymmv.
DHL here are one of the better. Having said that my last driver disappeared and I'm told he was fired for drug dealing on his rounds.Following an 18 month customs-related debacle with Dropit Hideit Loseit some years ago I avoid them like the plague.
I get the impression that couriers are like Internet Service Providers; ask 10 people and you'll get 10 horror stories about 10 different companies (and good experiences with the companies the others hate).DHL here are one of the better. Having said that my last driver disappeared and I'm told he was fired for drug dealing on his rounds.
UPS are the worst. They leave parcels randomly at different villages/bars/hotels and send me a msg to go collect them.
You don't pay vat on personal items. I brought some stuff into Ireland from UK. But it was useful to have this in writing before I went as customs on arrival did want to charge me as no one knew. The rules. Pulled out the email, then no problemMan
I didn't think that would work. I described them as personal belongings but still had to put a value on them. I'd paid the VAT on them in the UK and in theory at least I shouldn't have to pay VAT twice. Many of the items are used and mine.
I have tried to find out what the current situation is when importing from UK into Italy but if the major companies and many of the couriers are still struggling what chance do I have?
I see from the news that Spain is having no problems at all in exporting a large shipment of expat gammons to the UK. Nice to see someone is getting a Brexit benefit
I didn't say it was a big benefit but it is a benefit, well for Spanish waiters anyway.
Part of me wants to gloat and call them idiots; but in reality, they're victims too. They wouldn't have voted the way they did if they had any idea it could lead to what's happened to them, but then those that pushed the Brexit vote broadly fall into the camps of the conmen who glossed over any negatives, and the imbeciles who were just as ignorant as those they were misleading. No winners; at least in the general population anyway.I'm not actually talking about meat but all the rather stuffed expats that couldn't be arrsed to fill in the forms either properly or at all, cos they are Brits and don't have to, even though they voted for Brexit and besides Boris and the Govester say that they can still live in the EU full time cos thier rules dont apply. Benefit for spanish waiters is they don't have to put up with derogatory insults from these knobs anymore.
There is is a third possibility :Part of me wants to gloat and call them idiots; but in reality, they're victims too. They wouldn't have voted the way they did if they had any idea it could lead to what's happened to them, but then those that pushed the Brexit vote broadly fall into the camps of the conmen who glossed over any negatives, and the imbeciles who were just as ignorant as those they were misleading. No winners; at least in the general population anyway.
There is is a third possibility :
If you are not in the south east, and not middle class, what's in it for you? Is being a member of Europe making you richer, happier, more successful? As for the racist haters of everything immigrant (also known as brexiteers) - if you are middle - class and comfortable, you don't get to compete directly with immigrants for work and housing, so you think it delightful and liberal and worthy to have a nice diverse population - and besides, who else would pick the daffodils you buy for peanuts at the garage? If, on the other hand, you live hand - to mouth on a zero hours contract and choose not to live 15 to a room in a derilict squat as many immigrants are happy to do, competition is rife. If the status quo has failed you, why not turn the apple cart over, just to see what happens?
I know it is hard to believe, but some people actually had logical reasons for voting Brexit that weren't racist, thieving or just a personal attack on you. Me - I didn't get a chance to vote one way or the other, so not my fault.
The problem is, the above issue is not really related to EU membership (or absence thereof). I.e. how come other many other EU member states don't have the same level of inequality?There is is a third possibility :
If you are not in the south east, and not middle class, what's in it for you? Is being a member of Europe making you richer, happier, more successful? As for the racist haters of everything immigrant (also known as brexiteers) - if you are middle - class and comfortable, you don't get to compete directly with immigrants for work and housing, so you think it delightful and liberal and worthy to have a nice diverse population - and besides, who else would pick the daffodils you buy for peanuts at the garage? If, on the other hand, you live hand - to mouth on a zero hours contract and choose not to live 15 to a room in a derilict squat as many immigrants are happy to do, competition is rife. If the status quo has failed you, why not turn the apple cart over, just to see what happens?
I know it is hard to believe, but some people actually had logical reasons for voting Brexit that weren't racist, thieving or just a personal attack on you. Me - I didn't get a chance to vote one way or the other, so not my fault.
The problem is, the above issue is not really related to EU membership (or absence thereof). I.e. how come other many other EU member states don't have the same level of inequality?
The irony is that the societal inequality we have in the UK is far more likely to be supported (and increased) by those from the political end of the spectrum that pushed Brexit the hardest. Frankly it even works in their favour; given they can convince a disadvantaged underclass that the reason for their misery is the fault of others (specifically others that they want the people to vote against).
While the EU as a body is hardly a lefty utopia, they have greater support for the rights of the individual than our current government would like, so really, the diagram you posted is a good advert against Brexit, rather than for it.
Middle class? I come from a line of blacksmiths and brickies... but do I try to stick my pinkie out when drinking a cuppa so maybe you're right. Though... I've never played golf, so call it a score draw.Very easy to post this when you're doing alright. Typical middle class patronising statement..........
................... summary, "they are too thick to know what's good for them".
"look your life is the pits but don't rock the boat, just stick with it being rubbish because my life is quite nice and it would be awfully troublesome if you affected it. I promise if we remain in, your life will be just as crrap" ..............
Jayzus Bob... make your mind up on what you're actually criticising.arrh just tar everyone with the same brush....... shame on you.
Really what are you working class, pull the other one, if you live in a council house and have grubby hands I'll stick a cucu...... up my pineapple and parade around the village green this evening. My lineage is rivetters on the ships but I'm middle class and accept it, no porkies here.............. every tom dick and harry wants to be working class, it genuinely is becoming a real issue in society, lots of lies and people being found out, actors are the worst.
Nothing wrong with being middle class and comfortable, just not great telling people to be happy with their lot when they aren't.
PS The claim that some were basically telling people to be happy with their lot is just daft; you have a group of people who (if not directly responsible for) are certainly pretty comfortable with the huge inequality in the UK, and those same people encouraged the population to essentially choose to further harm themselves. The idea of then trying to shift blame onto the people who warned against it is bonkers. Especially when those individuals are often also criticised as the sort of lefty Guardian-reading "elite"... who would generally vote in favour of measures to reduce inequality; so they're both stinking lefties and haters of the poor. Schrödinger's liberal, perhaps.