Fine Wood Working Magazine

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Established Member
5 Nov 2009
Reaction score
Co. Kerry, Ireland
For a while I once thought that Fine Wood Working magazine was the best magazine out there. So I subscribed and in fairness it took over a year for me to realize that it was really not all that. It began to repeat itself and became rather boring.

However at this time they seemed to be making a serious effort with the website so, when I canceled my subscription to the magazine, I held onto the online access. And this is the rub, it has turned into complete drivel. Paying a premium expecting regular new videos and there has been nothing new of note in months. Utter rubbish. To repeat subject matter excessively is too much but to repeat the very same articles/videos is criminal. And don't get me started on the Forum...

Or is it just me?

I put this to the floor and I welcome your comments.

After about ten years of subscribing, my subscription ran out at the end of last year and I have not renewed. I am interested in progressive design and the mag has become very firnly stuck in the past with endless Shaker rehashes and hideously overblown Pennsylvania secretaries and the like. It was not always like this but the mag seems to accurately reflect the interests of its audience in the US - when I posted on a US forum suggesting that US woodworkers were stuck in the past from a design point of view, I expected a storm of abuse, but all I got was one or two posts regretting the truth of the suggestion.

There does seem to be a lot of re-cycling of topics and actual pieces going on, and the quality of writing/reviewing can be a bit variable. Lots of writers dropping in that are a bit inclined to just go through the motions. That said it's a very comprehensive data base of information. They are doing a hell of lot, so maybe it's tough to maintain a sense of direction.

Popular Woodworking is to me better focused on topics that relate to my current interests, and I rate Chris Schwarz very highly - but while it's better reading and 'fresher' it's probably not not got the same scope...
After about three years of each, I'm sort of beginning to feel that FWW and F&C are becoming very repetitive; if it wasn't for my daily commute on the train I would have probably given up my subscription by now. I'm a bit annoyed that so much of the magazine content is available so soon after on the website for free.

That said every now and then there are refreshing articles in both.


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