Fine filter size

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Doug B

Shy Tot
6 Aug 2008
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At the mo I have a 2 horse power lphv extractor, when holding an anemometer to the inlet of the impeller unit it measures 24 m/s. I have been given a 3hp impeller unit & placing the anemometer in the same place on this unit it measures 37m/s roughly half as much again.
My present fine filter is 500mm diameter & 600 high, can anyone shed any light on working out how big a fine filter I need for my new 3hp unit? Do I just need one half as big again as the filter on my 2hp unit?
In many ways it comes down to what quality of filtration you want. Larger filter surface means less difference in air pressure between inside and outside which means that less fine dust is forced through the filter into the air while the filter itself lasts longer.

Bill Pentz has some figures for it on his internet site.