Hi guys,
Can someone tell me in detail how to use super glue and sanding dust to fill cracks in turned bowls etc please, " mix it and slap it on " not detailed enough.
Cheers John.
CA and wood dust is for skinny little cracks and it's never quite right, it would hide the crack but can at lest fill it so stuff doesn't get in to it.
use a thin CA (Rather than the normal stuff).
sprinkle fine dust over the crack and use your thumb it massage it in to the crack.
wick thin CA in to the crack using a pipet
let cure.
repeat as it shrinks.
I asked my mate how to do it, he said he didn't use CA glue at all and instead uses a special blend of fluids. *
*mates name is Phil McRackin (bum tish, thanks, I'm here all week)
I see many turned items filled with a green/ turquoise filling ,what is this!
Maybe it's Milliput....I see many turned items filled with a green/ turquoise filling ,what is this!
Not long did this on a knot in a Walnut bowl. Worked absolutely fine on the knot looked natural.Fill the crack with spent coffee grounds and drip in Superglue for a natural finish...
and I thought it was Phil McCavity...CA and wood dust is for skinny little cracks and it's never quite right, it would hide the crack but can at lest fill it so stuff doesn't get in to it.
use a thin CA (Rather than the normal stuff).
sprinkle fine dust over the crack and use your thumb it massage it in to the crack.
wick thin CA in to the crack using a pipet
let cure.
repeat as it shrinks.
I asked my mate how to do it, he said he didn't use CA glue at all and instead uses a special blend of fluids. *
*mates name is Phil McRackin (bum tish, thanks, I'm here all week)
That sounds pretty like the stuff you get for glueing mitres, if not that could work quite well as it is a two-part solution, the thicker stuff could be mixed with the sawdust and then the aerosol to cure it.Use Cyanoacrylate (Superglue) Activator Accelerator Spray - fill the crack with dust, dribble on the superglue and then one puff from the spray can and the superglue dries / sets instantly. You can build up several layers very quickly.
I've done a few CA glazes but when i use the spray it always reacts and makes a white patch !For tips on using superglue look on YouTube and search for something like " Using superglue as a finish for pens " they will demonstrate using the accelerator and how much of it to use, it's not a lot.