Fence question


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26 Aug 2024
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Hi folks, not really a woodwork question, just looking for ideas.
I have a client (I'm a handyman) who runs a nursery. They have a closeboard fence that she wants sanded, or something, to prevent the littluns getting splinters from it. I told her sanding would work out pretty expensive (plus I really don't want to do it) I thought maybe a soft brass wire brush dill attachment might be suitable? I was wondering if perhaps there is something like sprayable exterior varnish or similar that might seal the fibres in a bit? Any suggestions? Cheap is preferable as they are a small charity.
It’s almost impossible to prevent splinters from what is effectively rough sawn timber . Sanding and then a coat of paint or varnish may help but it will be extremely difficult and as you say expensive. The best defence is a warning to the students to stay away from the fence or to put something in front of the fence to deter them from touching it .
Two lines of thought here, one is let them experience a splinter so they don't do it again and the other is to put planters along the fence with woven mesh up the fence so plants grow, it is a nursery after all.
I'm quite glad I grew up being allowed to learn from my mistakes. It's a different world now. Whether better or not is another, possibly long, and potentially controversial discussion
It’s almost impossible to prevent splinters from what is effectively rough sawn timber . Sanding and then a coat of paint or varnish may help but it will be extremely difficult and as you say expensive. The best defence is a warning to the students to stay away from the fence or to put something in front of the fence to deter them from touching it .
Yeah, I think I'll suggest something along these lines. Ta
Make them wear gloves, helmets and other protective gear?
It’s almost impossible to prevent splinters from what is effectively rough sawn timber . Sanding and then a coat of paint or varnish may help but it will be extremely difficult and as you say expensive. The best defence is a warning to the students to stay away from the fence or to put something in front of the fence to deter them from touching it .
Yes - a few posts with wire between them and warning notices - "Danger, Splinters, do not touch fence" perhaps a skull and crossbones with splinters sticking in them.
Just wondering, is this to remove the splinters or the littleuns? 🤣
Not for the kids, besides at that age they can run quite fast ;)

Although its been taken as humour, i was actually meaning to scorch the timber, which I think gives a better surface and far less likely to splinter.
Other options would be sand and paint, or depending on how much fence there is, clad over it with 1mm acrylic(the soft flexible stuff) Or possibly even use something like teak oil to seal the surface.

Either way I think they should invest in a good set of tweezers
I’ve thought about this thread and several decent suggestions but the op did say cheaper the better . I think a rub down with some quality 80 grit sand paper will remove a lot of the splinters and roughness followed by 2 or 3 coats of quality fence paint . Toolstation often have offers on these products. Slap it on thickly if poss and when completed add the warning signs . Remember it’s a different world today and it’s not little susie that will take you to court it’s her parents….