Faded japaning.


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Established Member
27 Apr 2020
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Newcastle Under Lyme
Hi all,
So I was cleaning a plane I recently got which was quite grimy and greasy so I used a toothbrush with some dish soap as I've done plenty of times and wiped it off. The japanning has faded! It's no big deal just a bit gutted to be honest I really like the dark record blue. Has anyone come across this before or any tips on how to remedy it.

(Middle plane started out like the two either side of it.)

Thank you in advance.
I would either enjoy using it as it is, or completely repaint it. Depends how much you value it having its original paint. I dare say someone like Paragon Paints will have the correct colour.
Thanks for the replies all, it seems to have darkened a bit but it may just be me getting used to it. Don't think I will paint it as I do like the original finish I don't know how close to it I would be able to get if I did it myself (brush marks).
I'll save the link though, you never know !
I bought the stuff for japanning some time ago - lamp black, turps and stuff. I never got around to it - It’s still on my list of things to try. Regardless, I don’t know if the Record blue was japanned on to Record planes, or if it’s enamel paint.

I can vouch for the Paragon paints, I’ve done a few Record vices etc with it and they came out very nicely (plus other colours, I think Myford grey etc for machine tools). Good quality paint.

I do tend to agree though that if it’s original vintage and it is functional it’s best left vintage.
I bought the stuff for japanning some time ago - lamp black, turps and stuff. I never got around to it - It’s still on my list of things to try. Regardless, I don’t know if the Record blue was japanned on to Record planes, or if it’s enamel paint.

I can vouch for the Paragon paints, I’ve done a few Record vices etc with it and they came out very nicely (plus other colours, I think Myford grey etc for machine tools). Good quality paint.

I do tend to agree though that if it’s original vintage and it is functional it’s best left vintage.
I've bought a few War finish record planes, whole set to be honest.
I'm a leave as is or make like new