Exposed Ply and Voids

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Pine Brummer is a bit yellow on its own. I tend to have light oak white and pine and do a bit of mixing.

Well I went with the ply and brummer filling and whilst the technique worked perfectly. The edges still on the whole look rubbish.

So I'm not sure what to do, this was supposed to be a very quick job and I've been on it for weeks.

Will the edges paint well if sanded smooth? I might just paint the whole thing.

It's either that or scrap the PLY idea altogether and go for hardwood.

Please pardon a newbies first venture into actually suggesting something! (public floggings are against the law :lol:)

How about edge banding? or a remake from MDF? At some point it's got to be better to do something like that than struggle away at this unnecessarily. Before you move on though, you may as well increase the body of knowledge available to the forum and attempt to sand smooth and paint. See how it turns out.

I took a particular interest in how this thread developed since I'm busy with a plywood work bench and have also noted a few voids that I might want to fill. Any chance of a picture of the filled voids?
Thenks HR, I'll try to get pics of the filled voids. Tho it wasn't the quality of the filled voids more that the general quality of the edges isnt't up to being exposed.

I had mentioned MDF above and forgot. Yes I'll probably go with MDF painted. If you look at the original picture, edge banding would be hard to do on the inner and outer circle.
I was starting to worry that you were going to copy route round that lot for a while.
I find that once a layer of varnish has been applied things will look a whole lot better, you wont really notice the filled bits as the layers vary in colour. I would go with Jasons advice and if you really aren't happy at the end spray it. Rustins plastic floor coating is nice on birch faced ply and really toughens up what is a quite soft board, put the first coat on really thin so that it penetrates well and add thin coats to build up a good finish. You can do this quick with RPC as it dries in quarter of an hour in the warm, It does stink though.
I did copy rout it? I made an MDF template out of 9mm MR MDF Then bandsawed each board near to the line and finished it with the Wealden Pattern bit. I've learned a lot about template routing so lots of precautions were took, and it went perfectly well.

I've just been out and took some pics of the edges and I must admit with less grumpy eyes, they don't look so bad.





In the last pic that dark area is actually solid, not a void. It's hard to photograph but in some areas the plys interweave or bulge round a chip.

I just took a pic of a Mammas and Pappa Rocker that was bought for my daughter at xmas. The runners are made from exposed edge ply.


Which, in the picture, doesn't too bad actually, but It's noticeable from standing height.

I'll plod on with it for a bit and see if I can getting looiking nicer, It's still got o be sanded through the grits and rounded over.
Lets take a moment to consider just how bad those voids could have been. I was happily trimming a ply slat to width tonight and when the offcut fell off I noticed it had an odd shape. The thing kept contorting all by itself - the stresses relieving themselves I guess. I went to pick it up and it started crumbling in my hand! Somehow I don't think Brummer stopping will do the trick on this piece :lol:

It is 18mm 5 ply WBP from Brazil via B&Q. It is FSC so any initial rain forest related concerns can be put to bed. I'm sure the original tree is still alive and well and that the rest of the panel is probably hollow! Too bad there was no quality guarantee - it's supposed to be BB-CC. Is this how that normally is? To be fair a lot of it is somewhat better, but not a heck of a lot. Hey, well, serves me right for saying B&Q ply is bad quality but then going and getting some anyway.

I've used the Ronseal Wood Repair two part with success. The colour blends in well enough and the fact that it is epoxy means that it shouldn't fall out. Iv'e never rated Brummer especially if you are trying to fill an exposed edge. I would suggest that ply is a much nicer material to give someone than MDF.