Everbuild Woodworm treatment? + Permethrin on dining table?


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MIGNAL":3bpiovd6 said:
I can't get wood dye to penetrate timber much more than 0.4 mm's after submerging the stuff in dye for 2 months!
How's it done? (apart from pressure).
I believe it can penetrate to that sort of depth through its tendency flow into the larval tunnels, especially if the carrying medium is something like a petroleum based solvent which generally has a lesser surface tension than the water that is an alternative carrier for permethrin. I guess if you were trying to dye beetle infested wood you'd get better penetration (in localised areas) than your reported 0.4 mm. I suspect not many people treat wood for the beetle if there's no sign of infection, although some saw mills and wood drying operations, especially large ones in North America, for instance, dip sawn wood into chemicals at some stage during the processing to retard mould growth, prevent black staining, and to kill wood munching insects. Slainte.

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