Euro 2022 final

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flying haggis

Established Member
7 Mar 2009
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Not having the slightest interest in football of any kind, can someone please explain why a football match of one and a half hours requires a bbc programme of FOUR hours !!!!!!! FFS!
You have to be a particularly miserable kind of sad old git not to at least smile a little at the scenes at Wembley right now.

Ps... my daughter is there 😊😊

I put a "like" to the above, even though I absolutely HATE football (and all the other organised/over-commercialised "sports" - which IMO = "ALL of 'em").
Unfortunately, its what programme producers think "we" want, that is an hour of pre-match Barry '%$&hit' and another hour of post match Barry "%^*hit" dissecting the game given by 'has-beens' or 'never-were beens'.

I went to a number of the Euro games and my opinion of Women's football has changed somewhat. The thing most striking about women's football is the atmosphere at the games, no intimidation, rival fans inter-mingle, no swearing, no 'pi$$-heads' and above all its a family affair.

And to be fair the game did go to extra time, but we did turn over before the end
Not having the slightest interest in football of any kind, can someone please explain why a football match of one and a half hours requires a bbc programme of FOUR hours !!!!!!! FFS!
I'm not a fan of football but I did watch the last 10 minutes of the Euro game and, I must say, the women's teams played better than most of the men's games I've watched. These girls had skill, they didn't dive every few minutes and they moved around the pitch with professional style. As someone else has already said, they were perfect role models for the youngsters and, I think, a welcome contrast to the men's games.
Womens cricket is good to watch.
I do enjoy some sports...but I always love it when England come out top in any international sport whatever it may be. I take a pride in my country and am not ashamed to say so. I am quite old though and hold 'unfashionable' views...but let's not go there...
Well done you Lionesses...blooming well done!!
And what's to complain about with three hours of Kate Bush either?
She was away ahead of her time. I likes some of her popular stuff when I was young, but thought some of her other music/dance was a bit odd at the times, but I was more into rock music. Watching the show, I gained a whole new respect for her performance. There was one bit of music and dance which I'm sure must have influenced Christine and the Queens. I enjoyed it.