erm - HELP!

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Established Member
19 Jan 2013
Reaction score
Wakefield(ish), West Yorks
I'm cutting a piece in 6mm BB ply that's 11" x 7". Problem is the ply is bent along the length. Not much, but enough that it's making the ply bounce on the table, but if I press down to stop it bouncing, I can't turn it. I've already broken a couple of fragile pieces, though luckily I think I can glue them back in OK.

Any solution? I could bin it and start again but I don't really want to throw two hours cutting away.
Having had a similar experience with 3/4" oak, the only solution I found was to hold down the piece harder to take out the slapping and 'just' allow it to turn but I was mighty pleased to have finished it. I kept catching my fingers under the piece as it violently slapped the table. Not a happy experience.

No real light-bulb moment Martin except more pressure . . . . and maybe ear defenders :shock:

Wiping the lower surface with a moist rag may induce it to swell temporarily and compensate for the bow - just a thought

Regards Mick
Mick, I did wonder if that might work but knowing very little about wood, I daren't try it. The solution was simple - squares of sticky tape stuck to the underneath of the ply in varying thickness to take up the gap. It's not perfect, but it works.

Baryy, pressing down stopped the piece moving altogether. Well, it would move, but very jerkily, but had a tendency to snap the #3 blades. I even re-waxed and polished the table. What has just occurred to me is I ought to have taken the edge off all round to stop it digging in. I don't know if it would make any difference, but it wouldn't have hurt anything.
I have the same problem from time to time. The only solution I have found is the same as already mentioned, more pressure but I tend to take it slower and find this helps reduce the "bounce". I get there in the end although not a pleasant experience but I hate to waste expensive hardwood.
how about another old board underneath and press it down with double sided tape
just a thought