Embedding an LED strip into driftwood....


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Established Member
5 Apr 2022
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Hi all, and a Happy New Year to you all!

For Christmas, my son has made us 4 lovely resin mushrooms - they stand about 10cm tall, and the bottom of each base is 4cm or so. They look great when lit up - although, at the moment, that only involved holding a torch underneath them! Please see the attached for an example of what the mushrooms look like....

My plan is to embed them into a length of nice, thick, driftwood (yet to be found!), and illuminate them from beneath. So, I'm trying to figure out 2 things really...

1) The most practical solution I can think of to illuminate them would be to maybe run an LED strip along the length of the dtiftwood but inside the wood, so the light would only come from the holes I'd make for the mushrooms to sit in.

2) How can I get a "shaft" running the length of the wood, probably (well, certainly!) not in a straight line?
One option might be to split the wood, route / chisel (as I don't (yet) own a router!) out a trench, then re-attach the wood but I'd like to avoid that if I can as I'm not sure how neatly I can split the wood lengthways (all ideas welcome, thank you!)

This is all assuming that embedding an LED strip in the wood is not going to cause overheating....As I understand things, it should be OK if I use good quality strip as, of course, the holes for the mushrooms will give an element of ventilation.

Any help, advice or suggestions appreciated as always!

Thank you



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You could just machine a slot in the bottom of the driftwood and then use individual LED's. Star leds are available but tend to be quite powerful you could then counterbore a hole in the bottom and drill a hole up to the mushroom base. There are ways to dim the LEDs.

It might be nice to have a colour changing LED strip. You can change the colour of each led and only have the ones on that you want but you would need some electronics. I might be able to help with this but all my electronics parts are packed away as I am renovating our house and have nowhere to work.

A couple of my LED projects: On this forum page

Of course there are the individual through hole LEDs that you could solder straight to a piece of wire.