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...although decades on we're still pondering what to do with all the waste it generates.

Anybody fancy burrying it in their back garden for a few million years?
At the risk of sounding very silly here (won't be the first time :? )

I agree we have a problem but the one thing that gets to me is the tax on it.
How the hell can using a smaller car turning of your T.V etc etc help when it seems the government, U.S.A, China and the rest of them are sending out millions of troops, planes, bombs and still we hear about nuke testing. Surely if everyone in the world was suddenly perfect little Eco nuts then the difference would be minimal when you consider how many planes boats tanks etc are running around everywhere.
Don't mind doing my bit but please don't shove it under an umbrella of another stealth tax telling it it's for our own good. And looking into it further there does not seem to be any definite proof who or what is causing so called global warming.
I may be burying my in the sand but from what i understand the world goes in cycles and to think that we can actually stop it let alone what would happen if we managed it. It's like forrest fires they are needed for re-growth cleansing the soil without them you get problems so if we are indeed just in a cycle can someone please tell me what happens if we are "clever" enough to stop it.

Ok that my two pence i'm sure i'm not 100% right but to be honest on this subject i do not think anyone can be.

Wanlock Dod":1e7peb9f said:
...although decades on we're still pondering what to do with all the waste it generates.

Anybody fancy burrying it in their back garden for a few million years?

No problem....they can bury the lot on our land and I could retire. The alternative to nuclear is what exactly? Look at the current situation in Georgia.....all it takes is some nutter to blow the oil pipe line and that would seriously put a dampener on Europe's economy.
Unfortunately the 'Nero Complex', fiddling whilst all burns around you, is still a popular past time with politicians.
The suggestion that the 'lights will go out soon' is unlikely, what is more likely is that we will have to buy power from abroad. The French will love that and screw us with even higher bills than now.
All this is down to closing down power stations to conform to EU diktats, and government incompetence in not building replacements.
Gordon selling off Westinghouse to the Chinese now guarantees that any new reactors will almost certainly be French designed and built and ensures that we will be screwed by both French and British governments.

And looking into it further there does not seem to be any definite proof who or what is causing so called global warming.

There never is definitive proof in science, but if you live in Holland (for example) then the merest possibility of sea level rise is something worth taking action about. Similarly over here I think that the issue has moved on from "Have we caused global warming?" to "How are we going to live with global warming?", certainly it's a question that DEFRA (yes that is the Department for Eggs, Fishes and Ripe Apples) are asking. We're already seeing different weather, for example I understand that a few folks houses down South got a bit wet last year, pests and diseases affecting agriculture because they are not kept down by cold winters, and so on and so forth.

I see a bunch of Greenies are protesting about a coal fired power station being built.

You don't need to be a raving hippy to object to opencast mining, I'm sure anybody that lives near an opencast mine would probably say it's hardly the best view in the world. :shock:

As we now import three quarters of our existing coal usage that situation is likely to get worse Dod as the only quickish alternatives now open to to Gord and co is to either ignore the EU's requirement on on CO2 emissions or build more 'clean' coal fired generating stations.
As British coal reserves are still considerable it would be illogical to build more coal fired stations to remove our dependence on foreign electricity if we have then to rely on foreign coal!
The power companies have been telling the government this for years. None so deaf!
