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Established Member
14 Jan 2007
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Dounut city
I am looking for a battery powered remote buzzer gadget .
I will try to explain to you all.
My little dog likes to have a forage in the bushes and undergrowth but some times he gets so far in I loose track were he is, he dose come back but it would be nice to know what direction he is.
I was thinking on the lines of like a remote door bell or gadget, say a small bleeper that would clip to his harness and a remote control hand held, and when I press a button it bleeps once, that way I would know if he was near by.
Has anyone seen anything like ?
Reg and Benji the dog
Ferret locator collar, bit more hi tech and expensive than what you are asking about, are used to find ferrets and terriers when underground. Quite often on ebay.
I wonder if one of those whistle key rings would work ?


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I have just ordered the doorbell, will give it a go.
It will be only used on one area as he chases rabbits in to the bushes, a large area and seems to exit not the place he enters.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Heat-sensitive camera?

Best and most economic course is teach him to come when you call. If he gets a treat each time he'll also get the idea pretty quickly. I think someone beat me to it!

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