Bod":1jbptr0e said:
Bm101":1jbptr0e said:
Out of interest, ........
You think you jest!
Many a good tool has been found, at jumble sales, and the like.
Found a couple myself Bod.
No Karl Holteys though...
My Mrs is a big ebayer. She's now moaning that her watch list is full of 'rusty man-rubbish' lol. 8)
A year or two back she was after a particular pair of boots or a bag, something along those lines. Not much interest at first then another bidder pipes up and starts a little war. Back and forth the battle goes, she was
really after the sale. As the price kept on rising and rising she realised it was her identical twin down in Devon trying to buy it for her as a Christmas present. One frantic phonecall later 'Stop B*%$£*Y Bidding!' and a good few quid down she won the poxy stuff. One happy seller.
I think the Triggers Broom analogy is spot on for working tools, I suppose when you start looking at
collecting the expensive gear, to look at or make money from, like anything, you better know what you're about or you're gonna get skinned.
Edit: (bit of a ramble...)
I had to google 'The ship of Theseus' ED. The closest I ever got to the classics was when I went for a daytrip to Cambridge. I'm in the pub and this bunch of academic types next to me. One fella dropped all his change and went 'Ahhhh, Im scattering my riches like Croesus !' And they all had a jolly good laugh.
When I went out for a ciggy I googled that too. And it turns out he was a rich fella. Memory sparked, I just had another look at wiki.
In Greek and Persian cultures the name of Croesus became a synonym for a wealthy man. Croesus' wealth remained proverbial beyond classical antiquity: in English, expressions such as "rich as Croesus" or "richer than Croesus" are used to indicate great wealth to this day.
Maybe in Cambridge Pubs they are, in my local when someone drops a coin it hits them on the back of the head. When they stand up someone's swiped their pint. :shock: