Thanks again all. Trip to Morrels - a litre of their spirit black and a few other bits while there. Mark - very helpful lot indeed - will be delivering in future at no charge, I asked about min order and he seemed casual/flexible, happy to deliver a 5L thinners for example.
SO, the spirit black is working, first coat soaks in very fast (mdf being a form of blotting paper, esp. the edges). Leave 10 mins and apply a second thinner coat (just brushed, not spraying that stuff!). I'm very happy with the result. I'd say in critical light the surface (flats, not edges) are very slightly flecked, only slight. The idea here always was to use very manmade with very organic, and I don't want to pretend the mdf is anything other than mdf. So very promising, need to leave a bit and then spray pre-cat (30%) and see what we get.
I did consider the pre-coloured but I cannot be certain how much I'll need, and I prefer to have some control so staining/dying appeals.
These pics are dull, sorry, bad light - the yew really lights up normally, just a wipe with thinned BLO and left a few days then buff to a sheen
Thanks for the pics SD, I like the controlled colouring of the poplar - I think that level of colour control is impressive. Reminds me I think now I do want to see a tiny hint of the mdf make-up on the surfaces. I have an early Matthew Hilton Antelope table, and he used mdf for the top, stained a dark 'walnut' but intentionally still mdf looking.
The client had better like this. More news later.