What madder than than the days of the Bobby grapplerI knew the world had gone mad ............ sadly it has now arrived on the forum.
Jason never did work out that move, always cried like a baby and wanted his MumWhat madder than than the days of the Bobby grappler![]()
You have not met my MrsIf everything was done correctly, we wouldn't have anything to moan about!
Oh they are deadly serious.Can I just check because sarcasm is hard to deliver and even harder to read sometimes on the T'internet but............is this thread real???
Thats great news because it means that I am not on my own and others have the same thoughts. On the BBC's one show how much longer will they keep Alex Jones, there has to come a time when looking at the same wallpaper gets too much and it has to be replaced. Also on the Breakfast show, I cannot stand Dan and Shaggy Sheti, they should be on Rainbow or some other kids program, just lets move them to CBBC, and the money they pay for so little.I find now that on my favoured radio channel, there are two presenters whose voices annoy me - I seem to be unable to get over that and have to change channel when they come on.