beech1948":38axzfud said:
The Axminster also wins on rate of suction at 380m3 wheras the r\Ecord manages only 106m3. I don't know about the Camvac as I'm too lazy to look it up but the more actual suction power the better. Record do say they collect particle sizes down to 0.1 micron I think...but how real this is I don't know.
Beech1948, I assume this is for the Axminster WV2 which is £456, almost twice the money as the others mentioned, IMHO far to expensive for a FAN in a CAN :shock:
The CamVac is tailor made to each customers requirements, as they make the units themselves, (Record & Axminster are just resellers of badged equipment) you can have up to 3 fans if you whish, they supply everything from the extractors to the ducting, blast gates, etc, you name it. You can have a very capable unit from around £200
The way the different suppliers rate their machines Air Flow is a little confusing. :? Hence the big difference you mention for the Record & Axminster.
Axminster rate their machines Airflow in Sq Metres per Hour.
Record rate their machines Airflow in Litres per Second.
So working out comparisons is a little tricky. :? :?
Camvac also measure Airflow in Litres per Second.
But I've done a little research on conversions to help anyone who's interested.
1 litre = 0.035Ft
1Ft = 28.3 Litres
1 Litre/Sec = 2.12 Ft/Min
1 lire/Sec = 3.6m/Hr
1m/Hr = 0.28Litres/Sec
Phew... Think thats all there...