Driving gripes....?


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People who believe in invisible cars. You know, the ones who pull out in front of you making you decelerate rather swiftish...even though there is no-one behind you (apart from the invisible car, of course)
I think this could go on forever !!!
but for my 2 peneth,-------------------
people who reverse from there driveways without a hope of knowing what there going to revese into, :evil: :evil:
would it not have been easyer to have gone in backwards in the first place,?
the ones that annoy me the most are the tailgaters. now, i drive 'progressively' when the road and conditions allow, but in a 30 limit, in a built-up area, then it's 30 max. the tw*ts who sit up my tail trying to pressure me don't seem to follow the same rules as me though. what i do, therefore, is to sit at 25mph, all the way up to the roundabout/corner, then take it at 30. having a well sorted chassis and suspension on my Fiesta and decent cornering technique allows me to do this with ease, meanwhile the Vectra at the back, driven by a muppet, brakes, lumbers round the corner at a treacle pace, then tears back up behind me again, to make up the gap. only i'm driving at 25mph again, so they've only wasted their own petrol with their sharp acceleration.

the other one that gets me is the dafties out on the back roads who drive at 40 in 60 limits, when the road and conditions allow for the full speed. fair enough, perhaps they have a genuine reason for going so slowly, but it's when you get into the wee towns and villages with the 30 limits, that they keep on going 40. they really need to get a grip. :evil:

oh and the people who speed up and down my street. the 'Twenty's Plenty' signs are there for a reason. there are kids about, and parked cars up one side. there's no call for tearing up the road at 40.

and a lot more, now that i think about it... but i'll save them for a rant down the pub.
scroller frank":2wye4016 said:
I think this could go on forever !!!
but for my 2 peneth,-------------------
people who reverse from there driveways without a hope of knowing what there going to revese into, :evil: :evil:
would it not have been easyer to have gone in backwards in the first place,?

I think it's illegal to reverse out of a driveway, you're supposed to reverse in, not sure though.

DomValente":vx5hz3zw said:
I think it's illegal to reverse out of a driveway, you're supposed to reverse in, not sure though.

I think your right Dom, I always thought it was illegal to reverse onto a highway.

Its tailgaters for me. I usualy slow down when someone drives too close.
scroller frank":1wc2qqut said:
I think this could go on forever !!!
but for my 2 peneth,-------------------
people who reverse from there driveways without a hope of knowing what there going to revese into, :evil: :evil:
would it not have been easyer to have gone in backwards in the first place,?

Nope. I live on quite a busy road. If I try to stop and reverse in I get hooted, abused and some numpty pulls up 2 feet behind me and stops me anyway...

What gets me is when I am indicating right to turn onto my driveway some cretin pulls across the drive and blocks me. Last week one did that, and when I looked at her (I might have technically glared I suppose) she gave me the finger and shouted abuse. Not very effectively, because her windows were closed, but I can lipread.
In fact I've just had a look, and if it is correct that it is illegal to back out of a driveway, within sight of where I am now there are 16+ illegally parked cars and 4 legally parked. (One is behind a hedge).
DomValente":2n4s9tiw said:
Or the van driver who stopped in the middle of a busy road, got out, put his index finger in the air, to indicate he was going to make a quick drop off- pick up, ran across the pavement to Macdonalds and came out with a hamburger.
Do you wonder there's road rage. :evil:

Its the additives in the burger that cause the rage Dom :D
There's often someone who parks directly opposite our driveway, meaning I struggle to squeeze round and make an awkward left turn.

The one that gets me the most is where you're looking to go up a hill with cars parked on the other and yet the oncoming traffic seem to think it's their right of way! Eventually though, one considerate driver, who has read and understood the Highway Code, comes along and flashes me to let me past. This is part of my twice-weekly drive home from college. :D

Then there are the doctors in sports cars (my most recent example) who find 50mph too slow going up a hill and so they end up overtaking not one but TWO cars infront of them, pushing 70mph.

And generally, whatever the speed limit, most drivers seem to think that the right-hand lane allows you to go as far over the limit as you like, just as long as you're ahead of the cars on your left.
aisuru":14wgeo5d said:
what i do, therefore, is to sit at 25mph...

I do the exact same thing. You should also try closing in on the centre of the road at the same time, just so there's less chance of them being able to easily overtake you and get away. I find it stunning how close some van and truck drivers can get doing 60mph on a dual carridgeway. Even when I have to slow down to 50 and then 30mph, I'm expecting a smash and to find myself shunted forwards, but they're still within breathing distance!!

I've only been driving for three years and this is what Britain's drivers have left me to resort to for the many, many years I have ahead of me! :twisted: :wink:
OPJ":1bqyx5jx said:
I find it stunning how close some van and truck drivers can get doing 60mph on a dual carridgeway.

They are probably irritated that you are doing 60mph in a 70mph zone.
I've got to add my bit.
How come motor bikes can over take on the left hand side, on chicanes, in the middle of two lanes, brake speed limits.
Hi Mark

I'm going to be the one out of step. I have a gripe with your number 2 gripe. I take it you mean people who do not acknowledge your kindness in letting them out of a junction. People who when turning right into a road junction and let someone out of that junction out of the junction first are a major cause of accidents. What happens is the the person "being kind" pulls to the centre of the road and waves the car in the junction out. The vehicle behind the one being "kind" then overtakes on the inside and runs straight into the car coming out of the junction.
No Sawdust - I agree with you! I mean discourteous drivers who don't give so much as a nod or a wink when for example you pull into the side of a narrow road to allow them passage! :evil:
My main gripe is when stuck behind a slow driver, and even though i have indicator on to show that i am about to overtake, a driver in car behind me zooms past. They do not wait their turn and follow you past the slow car. There is a lot of this kind of driving today. People want to save seconds off their journey, but actions like this could end someones life. And it is usually the innocent driver that comes off the worst.
Then there is my second main gripe. Bus drivers that think that when they are ready to pull out from bus stop it's their divine right to do so. This doesn't matter that you might be already more than half way up their lenght. No its up to you to give it the welly to get past them before they half you in two. :evil:
DomValente":19idfouw said:
scroller frank":19idfouw said:
I think this could go on forever !!!
but for my 2 peneth,-------------------
people who reverse from there driveways without a hope of knowing what there going to revese into, :evil: :evil:
would it not have been easyer to have gone in backwards in the first place,?

I think it's illegal to reverse out of a driveway, you're supposed to reverse in, not sure though.


The highway code states
177: Do not reverse from a side road into a main road. When using a driveway, reverse in and drive out if you can.

It's not illegal (it does not say 'Must Not') just a recommendation
if it was illegal to reverse onto any road, nobody would ever pass their driving test, as the 'reversing round a corner' is exactly that - reversing into a road. of course, it's only side roads that you reverse into, if it were a main road you're going against the flow of traffic, and then the boys in blue will have you.

also, about motorbikes - the instructors actually teach you to use the whole road, and the examiners are looking for you to do so on your test. after all, that's the point of a motorbike, to zip through traffic rather than sitting in a queue.

of course, some bikers take it too far. i was almost involved in an accident with one the other week dropping my mate off at Tesco. the guy on the bike was getting his knee down, flying round the roundabout. dressed in black, on a black bike at night, a headlight suddenly appeared from nowhere. i was moving onto the roundabout, and had to brake. i waved to apollogise, as he had the right of way, but he wasn't pleased. he was looking for me later, and approached my mate in Tesco saying he'd '****ing kill me' and so on. he'll kill himself though, if he keeps riding like he's at a racetrack all the time
Oh dear oh dear!

What a rage-filled motley crew we are. Selfish, inconsiderate, proud of our appallingly poor driving technique, ignorant of the Highway Code....the list goes on and on.

Really chaps, it's one thing to let off steam when you've just had a very near miss (it was probably a forum member doing his 'defensive driving' thing), but to rant on like this,,,,tut tut, no good for the blood pressure you know.

Why do I say this? Easy, I happen know I'm the best driver in the world and probably the universe, and the best parker, and the best lane changer, etc etc - so all the rest out there are numpties.

And I really can't be bothered about numpties!

(I used to have an electronic 'zap' gun stuck on the top of the dashboard - I zapped millions! No, not millions, gazillions!! And the noise effects were so satisfying! that was one of the best value car accessories I've ever owned)
I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned HGVs overtaking each other on two-lane dual carriageways, where, due to both being on their speed limiters, their speed differential is 0.00000001 mph.