Established Member
NO, not a proper one and only for small items like tool handles and drawer knobs, honest! 
But are they truly useable? I have a large floor standing drill press (Nova Voyager) that has plenty of power and a variable speed, electronically controlled, from 50 - 5,500 rpm. But is a gubbins to provide a vertical tool rest and a bearing steadying the chuck to prevent sideways forced on a workpiece undoing the morse taper a safe and effective thing?
At present I'm making quite a few tool handles; and I like to make my own knobs for boxes, drawers, cupboards and such. I have no room for a lathe so I've been carving handles & knobs, which takes time and never produces truly symmetrical items. I've use small rasps to make some very small knobs and that seems safe enough although I worry about the chuck falling out of the motor arbour.
Any advice, especially from those who've tried such a thing, is welcome.

But are they truly useable? I have a large floor standing drill press (Nova Voyager) that has plenty of power and a variable speed, electronically controlled, from 50 - 5,500 rpm. But is a gubbins to provide a vertical tool rest and a bearing steadying the chuck to prevent sideways forced on a workpiece undoing the morse taper a safe and effective thing?
At present I'm making quite a few tool handles; and I like to make my own knobs for boxes, drawers, cupboards and such. I have no room for a lathe so I've been carving handles & knobs, which takes time and never produces truly symmetrical items. I've use small rasps to make some very small knobs and that seems safe enough although I worry about the chuck falling out of the motor arbour.
Any advice, especially from those who've tried such a thing, is welcome.