Downloading & saving components

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Established Member
26 Feb 2006
Reaction score
oop norf
Hi all,

Having read Steves comments about warehouse - I decided to download it for myself, eventually it's in there!

My question is this: Having d/l a component/drawing whatever - how do I put it into SU so it shows up in 'components' and can I add more categories to 'components' to build a personalised library of errm .........components.

You mean you want to add components to your components? :D

You can save components you've drawn or that you've downloadedfrom Google's 3D warehouse. Either just save them in the default location which is probably the My Documents folder (Look under Window>Preferences>Files to find out what that location is.) or you can save them in the Components Folder under Google\SketchUp. You can save them into one of the subfolders found there.

You can save a component from your current model without saving the entire model. Select and right click on the component. Choose Save As from the context menu. This should take you right to the Components folder.
Thanks Dave - given a couple of weeks I'd have probably worked it out mysef!

Just as a brief aside though, all my SU stuff automatically puts iself in '@ last software' rather than 'Google xxxxx'

Maybe more to do with where I got the program from than anything else I suppose.
