Established Member
In my ongoing mission to redo an old house, I'm turning my attention to the front door. The current front door is a flimsy thing that won't close properly. It's fairly thin wood with single glaze panes of glass.
To get the latch to properly engage I've got into the habit of pressing it shut with my foot, which unfortunately led to me accidentally pressing my foot against the glass and shattering it the other day...
It's now patched up with a piece of plywood, but that door needs to be replaced. Ideally, I'd like to wait until the weather warms up, in case it takes longer to install.
My first instinct is to make a stout four panel door. I should be able to by some thick planks of larch from the local council's forestry service which should do the trick.
However, there's another design I'm intrigued by, the "double plank" door. Apparently it's like a batten door, except that the horizontal battens cover the entire door. It seems to me that I've seen such doors around here, but never up close. It also seems to me that the horizontal boards face outwards, and that the planks are cut in such a way as to form a rebate around the edge. Often there is also a small square window cut into it.
Does anyone have any experience with such a door (see drawings and link below)?
I live in the mountains, it gets fairly cold, I need a fairly stout door.
Thanks for your input!
To get the latch to properly engage I've got into the habit of pressing it shut with my foot, which unfortunately led to me accidentally pressing my foot against the glass and shattering it the other day...
It's now patched up with a piece of plywood, but that door needs to be replaced. Ideally, I'd like to wait until the weather warms up, in case it takes longer to install.
My first instinct is to make a stout four panel door. I should be able to by some thick planks of larch from the local council's forestry service which should do the trick.
However, there's another design I'm intrigued by, the "double plank" door. Apparently it's like a batten door, except that the horizontal battens cover the entire door. It seems to me that I've seen such doors around here, but never up close. It also seems to me that the horizontal boards face outwards, and that the planks are cut in such a way as to form a rebate around the edge. Often there is also a small square window cut into it.
Does anyone have any experience with such a door (see drawings and link below)?
I live in the mountains, it gets fairly cold, I need a fairly stout door.
Thanks for your input!