You state that you did some fibreglassing 8 to 10 years ago? Is it epoxy or polyester?
They are not the same. If its polyester chuck it as by now its way past its sell by date & liable to not work.
As far as epoxies go they have a shelf life, I have used a lot of West & SP systems products & the hardener seems to go off before the resin, it goes dark brown & you get a pronounced ammonia smell, it still works but at possibly ten years old i would not trust it!
Some makes of epoxy the shelf life means what it says. I learnt this lesson the hard way on a customers boat, I had fitted a new skeg & rudder to a 28ft yacht made from fibreglass & the customer wanted the gelcoat epoxied to match the rest of the hull. I had half a gallon of epoxy tar left over from a job 2 years previously. "I will use that " I thought. So i mixed it up & painted it on. Conditions were warm & dry but it did not cure in fact a week later it still hadnt. I had to scrape the filthy half cured mess off & scrub it with gunwash to get the residue off before i could recoat with new stuff. It took a full day to clean that stuff off.
If in doubt mix a sample & test it first then you will know!