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head clansman

Established Member
7 Jan 2008
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hi anyone

can you recommend a drawing package to design my own garage + kitchen extension and a loft extension to add a third main bedroom which is easy to understand .hc
SketchUp ought to fit the bill.

It's free, easy, you can show both 2D and 3D views and there's lots of components (furniture, appliances, power tools, doors, windows, lights, etc.) available for free from the 3D Warehouse. I doubt you can match all that with any other program.
For 2D architectural work I've always used AutoCAD, here is a good freeware clone called ProgeCAD (not for commercial use):

However, I also use Google's Sketchup to help visualise complex 3D architectural features eg roof/eaves junctions. Sketchup (SU) can import 2D DXF and DWG files from AutoCAD/ProgeCAD to enable a convenient transition from 2D to 3D drawings. SU is becoming my first choice tool for modelling woodwork designs.

FWIW, the current free version of SketchUp does not import DXF nor DWG files. This has been removed and replaced with DAE import. There is a free plugin though that will give that capability to V7.1. The Pro version does retain that capability natively.
Dave R":srmb7pa7 said:
FWIW, the current free version of SketchUp does not import DXF nor DWG files.

I beg to differ Dave! I was most surprised when my free version 7 installation managed to import a DXF file despite the feature list on Google's website saying it wasn't supported.....
Then you don't have the current version which, for the Windows version is 7.1.4871. It was released a week ago tomorrow. This is what someone downloading the program now would get.

The DXF/DWG import/export was changed for the latest version.