Not really. Being friends with the EU isn't the same as being in the EU.Same difference: building/rebuilding is rejoining but differently.
Not really. Being friends with the EU isn't the same as being in the EU.Same difference: building/rebuilding is rejoining but differently.
The UK won't be rejoining....not for a generation at least.
We will build a closer relationship with Europe though.
But not to the EU, thanks to Brexit. We have broken all sorts of ties with R&D, education/cultural exchange, EU research/developmental programs, not just trade......
we need to .......... start manufacturing and increase RnD ourselves.......
then sell our skills to the world.....
Funny how brexiters get this completely upside down. Strange.
The simple fact of the EU is that it developed to make trade easier by agreeing common rules and regulations. There's a clue in the title "Common Market".
The glaringly obvious consequence of brexit was to make trade MORE difficult, not less. This was pointed out over and over again from the start and now we see the obvious consequences as predicted.
A real mystery that Brexiters could not see this very simple fact!
An even bigger mystery is how on earth brexit can give the UK any advantage at all, anywhere, over anything.
Just saying!
My beef with sending to Jersey I now see was because I was sent the wrong form and it asked for my passport number and other stuff. Their mistake. It did say that this was the new post Brexit form however.
But not to the EU, thanks to Brexit. We have broken all sorts of ties with R&D, education/cultural exchange, EU research/developmental programs, not just trade.
We've also dipped out of trade agreements which the EU made as a bloc, made trade more difficult with our largest trading partner, and now having to compete with them on the world market instead of working with them.
Not sure what SAfrica has to do with it - nothing at all as far as I can see.
Ah the "take back control" mantra.That's exactly what most Brexiteers want though, a close trading relationship based on mutual benefit but with as little political interference as possible.
A question for the Brexiters - how has Brexit helped me? Another one - how will it help me in the future seem a popular place for UK businesses to move to.
I've heard of loads and loads of UK businesses move there - because Brexit effectively slams the door shut on their European customer base.
Is Brexit of any interest in the media in the Netherlands?
I'm sure Bob will have some sour comment about how it is remainers fault and just bleating, but this really is not good.
One in Four Small U.K. Exporters Halt EU Sales Amid Brexit Costs - Bloomberg
I've already said several times I was wrong about the form - they sent me the wrong one, I didn't know, I don't care!Not at all, most of my comments are about starting another brexit thread through the back door by remainers. It's done as far as I'm concerned and we get on with it or in your case don't, if you want to think me sour then that's fine.
I suspect you even question the oil stones existance.
I suggested Sploo was a bit of a wally for thinking there was no class system in the UK and he basically agreed and reworded his statement. Apart from that I don't think there is any mention "of all this id your fault", I think you are crediting me with too much.
Do you think a CN22 form is difficult to fill in? Some here were positively cheering the fact Jacob had to fill out a form, get real, it's a very very small form, a nothing, 1 min of time, yet then are prepared to spend hour arguing, it's petty/ridiculous/ small mindedness. Just look at it and be embarassed.
Would you have started a thread on it.
I have lots of new forms to fill in at work, probably on a monthly basis, would it be of interested if I posted them up, maybe we could all post up the forms we fill in, I'm all for a dull club?
The only reason I post on these threads is balance. On the very first thread it became a remainers paradise, or a "Bullyboys gang" including mods who were unable to moderate due to them overstepping the mark thenselves. I refuse to let this one become so bias. Looks like there are plenty this time around who feel the same way.
I'm particularly interested in those, like Bobby, who want us to shut up. I guess the hint that they may be wrong about things disturbs them, and they'd rather not know!
No reason why remainers shouldn't talk amongst themselves - you don't have to join in if you don't want to.I said I want balance, not a thread dominated by you other remainers.
Not once have I asked for a thread to be shut, stop making things up.
I'm in business Jacob, I bring things in from the EU, I work with companies bringing in stuff. I have a kitchen going to portugal in the Autumn.
I suspect I know more than "shatting me pants at a 4 line form"
No reason why remainers shouldn't talk amongst themselves - you don't have to join in if you don't want to.
If somebody started a thread about saws would you complain that they are ignoring planes?
I've never called anybody thick or accused them of being a dirty little anything.Yes probably when they started to make snide comments about planes and called them thick, and planes didn't know diddly squat. When people said saws were superior and scoffed at dirty little planes.
Somehow the planes rose up and kicked the saws in the goolies and the saws did not like it.![]()