Curved sides Jewelry Box - How-to Video

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Thanks Niki

Definitely one for 'entertainment purposes only'!

Wrong tools, wrong methods. A nice old round plane would cost about a fiver (pounds or dollars) and let him make his curved sides safely and quietly, with no need for that elusive power sanding!

Yes, thank you, Niki - quite simply, the scariest You"Toob" video I've seen in a while!! :shock: :D :wink:

I was expecting to see him cut the coving on the table saw, without a guard or push stick... But, only one fence??? :?

Bandsaw... Mitre saw... Wobbly camera... There really wasn't much in that video to put me at ease... :? :)
:shock: :( :shock: LOL..I sat there cringing all the way through that !
Yes some safety issues there. But to be fair, he didn't sound like a complete idiot and at least he's having a go at making stuff. I enjoyed seeing the process and thinking how I'd do things differently.
uh he would have to be a complete idiot to use a machine in that way. Im shocked and i hope to god no one even attempts to copy any of the methods he was using in that video.
Hi all

oh my god , in all my years as a tradesman i have never seen anything so dangerous as that video , he will in time lose all his fingers and serve him right . that should be banned world wide to stop people thinking it's normal practice , if not world wide, at least hear on UK workshop. hc
I have to say I am with Wizer on this. There are a lot of safety issues and I would not for one moment condone his techniques. But it does start a thought process, something along the lines of "How would I do that". By seeing others having a go that we can all learn. That said, I would hate for people to copy his methods.

What shocked me was not so much the cutting of the cove (although, I would do it with 2 fences and push blocks) but, the fact that he said:
"In perfect world the saw blade would go down below the table but, my table saw is abnormal and I cannot lower the blade to more than 3/8" above the table"...
And he made the first (and maybe the 2nd & 3rd) pass while the blade is set to 3/8" above the table, and as you could see, the workpiece was "floating" on the blade...

On the 4th part, he is cutting the trays sides...ripping to 1½" width and passing his thumb between the rip fence and the blade....

They DO need the SawStop there

But, he was using the "American safety equipment"....Eyes & Ears protection....
at least he`s wearing safety specs and ear defenders :roll: but OMG how come he`s still got all of his fingers or did he start with 6 on each hand :?:

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