CT150DL assembly


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
So I'm now the proud owner of one of these (choice purely based on reading these forums and the depth of my wallet) and it's assembly time. Managed to lift the jointer onto the stand by myself and loosely fixed it down then turned to the instructions.

The instructions for assembly are, shall we say, quaint and a bit brief - especially if you've never seen one of these beasties before. My main question relates to alignment of the pulleys on the jointer and stand. The manual refers to aligning the pulleys on the motor and the jointer by shifting the motor. But one can also shift the jointer and so there's scope for an infinite range of variables. Any recommendations?

I have also left over an awful lot of screws and washers that must go somewhere. Is there a better assembly guide anywhere? :?
Initial impressions are somewhat disappointing.

The lack of an adequate manual is frustrating. The cutter guard in the manual bears no resemblence to the picture in the manual. Instead there is a long black contraption (which does appear in the image of the CT150 on the Axminster site) but no details as to how it all goes together.

Setting up the fan belt and motor assembly is a right pain in the a**e and again the manual is unclear as to how much deflection on the fanbelt is correct. Also how accurate must the pulleys be in aligntment? The side of one of my pulleys is out of line by a sixteenth of an inch as I'm finding it very hard to (a) maintain the correct (?) tension and (b) keep the pulleys in line.

Turned the unit on briefly. Do all of them rattle and shake as much as mine does?

Obviously I'll give Axminster a call on Monday and hopefully they can sort me out but, as I say, initial impressions are not good.
OK - so there is definitely a bit missing - the guard. I ran a couple of pieces of wood through and it DOES plane very nicely.

And so I turned to taking the Delta thicknesser out of its' box. The legs had previously been assembled and so I thought it a simple matter of lifting the thicknesser onto the legs and bolting it up. Why am I always optimistic? Wrong legs. Thicknesser nearly fell through the hole. So that's another call on Monday.

I have to confess that I am getting really p*****d off now with the sheer shoddy delivery and lack of quality control out there. :evil: :x :x :x

To date I have purchased:

Ryobi table saw - arrived with minor damage to the fence track

Ryobi router table and router - returned for replacement as the router clamp stopped locking the router in its' position after a short while

Axminster CT150 - guard missing plus useless manual

Delta thicknesser - wrong legs supplied.

Time to make a large G&T I think. Tomorrow is another day. :evil:
rsinden, it sounds like you are having a pretty rough time.

You have my sympathy.

All you can do is get back to these people and get them to put it right.

It might be an idea to keep a log of all phone calls, dates, and individuals names you speak to etc.

Somtime ago I had a problems of a similar manner with a big uk supplier.

It took some time before it got sorted out and was very frustrating. I ended up with £200 compensation though.
Hi Roger,

Sorry you're having a run of bad luck :x

Re: the CT150, I hope Axminster sorts it out for you, but if you need to contact another CT150 owner, I know that AndyBoyd on the 'other' <cough> forum has one - you could give him a try. Alternatively if you can find an address anywhere on the site, the guy on codesmiths.com who reviewed the CT150 http://www.codesmiths.com/shed/workshop/reviews.htm may be able to help.

Ah - just found his email address on http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=quercus

Best of luck,


Hope things get better. Thought I'd post a link to the Jet site where manuals can be downloaded but Murphy has thrown a spanner in the works. Your CT150 (aka Jet JJ-6CSX) is not listed, only a parts diagram at
Of course the bridge guard is not shown, only the US kidney shaped guard. Always wondered why this type of guard is not permitted in the UK. Found out recently that the CE people reckon that the spring just might fail......
By all accounts Jet manuals in the States are well written with copious good quality photos. Pity Axminster couldn't do the same.
The guy at Codesmiths is Andy Dingley who will no doubt be very helpful. You can get him at
[email protected]



PS. Haven't checked but should be plenty of reviews at
put in JJ-6CSX in the search box.

I'm 99.9% sure that Roger went for the CT150 rather than the CT150DL.

Nice Avatar by the way...


Just that the thread is titled "CT150DL"......Whatever it is hope Roger get's it sorted.
The view from the workshop.....snow has gone but it may come back...


Sorry for the confusion..it's NOT the DL. Sent Axminster an email as I knew that I would not be around to take long phone calls...so far nada. Will keep you posted.

I did check their download site for manuals and the 150 isn't there unfortunately.

D&M tools (from whom I got the thicknesser) came back to me very quickly...as in first thing this morning ..so quite impressed with their customer service
I have to say that when I have had a problem with tools from Axminster, their customer service has been quick and good. However, this has always been in response to a phone call to them - they dont seem to answer eMails.