I have come across a variety of Local Government building inspectors over the years a few were excellent but unfortunately many were idiots.
The village I live in is on a sandstone outcrop. The old houses are built on solid sandstone foundations that are above ground and below ground, some had bedrock floors until recently. Solid sandstone is visible above ground throughout the village. While building an extension and digging the foundations we hit solid sandstone at a foot down, the inspector insisted on a metre depth otherwise we would get frost heave. He was unable to explain how you would get frost heave in sandstone. The JCB managed to scrape it out with the bucket teeth about 1/2 inch at a time.
While building a basement the approved plans showed walls build up off a concrete slab. The last 300mm of diging was again in solid sandstone. Another building inspector insisted on the floor, laid on solid sandstone, being reinforced as the walls would impart a turning moment on the concrete and lift up the middle. He was unable to explain how this was going to happen unless the sandstone moved but kept on repeating there will be a turning moment and it must be reinforced.
A friend, who used to be a building inspector, was building foundations on solid granite. The building inspector insisted on one metre foundation depth. My friend told him NO, the granite has been there for millions of years and it is staying there and left undisturbed is not going to move in the next few million years, he would not have it dug out and if the BS refused a completion certificate he would sue the council as he was talking rubbish. He got his completion cert.
I have also been working on a customer site when the BS was so rude and unhelpful to the very nice cooperative customer that if he had been talking to me like that I would have helped him off the premises without opening the door.
I have managed to get the occasional very helpful and pragmatic inspectors but it does appear to be pot luck.