Coronet major planer stuck set screw and lock screw

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26 Oct 2024
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North Yorkshire
Recently picked up a well looked after Major with planer , and saw etc . Everything looks good and there is no surface rust in fact it looks excellent but last night I tried to take out the planer blades and couldnt shift either the slot head screws or the allen bolts that hold the blades in place. Thoughts ? Tips . Have squirted them with WD40 and will leave a day , Would you guys try heat ?.

It's over 20 years since I had a Major.
I don't think you can concentrate the heat well enough to get where it needs to be most effective ie the bottom of the threads.
Presumably they are Allen head bolts so I would sacrifice an Allen key by cutting off the shorter limb, inserting it in a socket & giving it a couple of sharp taps with a hammer to try & shock the bolt loose. You might have a hex driver bit which would do the same thing. An adjustable spanner could add additional leverage.
Sometimes using a releasing fluid then repeatedly tapping the head of the bolt lightly with a hammer can help the fluid run down the threads and begin to vibrate it loose. Leave it a while and maybe do it a couple of times then try to undo.
More knowledgeable people, feel free to shoot this down. How much of a head is sitting proud? Of the stuck fasteners? To apply heat to a very local area, could you use a chunk of metal rather than a direct flame?
Find a piece of rebar or similar. Drill a hole to match the diameter of the screw head and then heat the metal so it is very hot. Now hold it on/over the screw.
I suppose a lot depends on how long it is.
As an update. after repeated squirts of plus gas. I have manged to release 4 out of 6 allen bolts without having to resort to physical violence. Ill keep you updated but at the moment I am completely rebuilding my machine tool bench . The Major is much higher to its centre than my old lathe, So current bench way to high and also to short...

So , after a bit of effort and plusgas everything released now . Spent two days completely rebuilding one end of the workshop to lower the work benches as the major is a a lot higher than the old lathe job made worse by clearing away 20 years of stuff stored under benches , have now just the lathe , saw and planer put together just need to fit all the guards and clear everything away .