COP26 progress or same old

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Who thinks adding a laughing emoji strengthens their argument?
Maybe it's the modern way of strengthening your reason.
I wonder if Greta should have a fit of giggles after one of her passionate speeches
Get a SodaStream and fizz your own. Use your empty pop bottles to put it in and keep it in the fridge. DO NOT however try to fizz milk, unless you want a new kitchen. I experimented with this as a kid (the SodaStream exploded) and the resulting residual smell even after everything was washed down made my parents totally redo the kitchen.
I suppose up here we are very lucky, in that we probably naturally have the best council juice from the tap in Europe. The Swiss have some good water but it is a little bit hard and to me has a bit of a tang in the aftertaste. Water in England to me tastes rank from the tap and in France & Germany has a mettalic tang.
If you filter the water before fizzing with a Berkey it’s a lovely taste, fizzed or not.
As someone with a degree in Geology/Geophysics, obviously a subject that appeals to me, I have to say that while there is some truth regarding climate change, there is also a lot of bull-whotsit thrown about by these so called CC experts but the problem is that any scientist/academic who challenges some of the ludicrous and alarmist claims is immediately censored and marginalised by the CC extremists and those 'academic scientists' who rely upon CC grants proving that it exists to keep them in the life in which they are accustomed.

There is a whole industry built up around GW as it was first named. They don't want the data they use to be questioned or challenged and will deliberately leave out facts that would bring into question their hypothesis and modelling.

Anyone who followed Mann's questionable 'Hockey Stick' presentation of the so called facts will know to what I'm referring.

Of course GW or whatever they call it these days, exists. We're in an interglacial period and it's only just over 8000 years since the North Sea first formed from melt waters as the last of the ice advance finally retreated. Sea levels and temperatures have never been stable.

Alarmists say the sea is rising at one or two cms per year. Just imagine how the people of that time around 8300 years ago who lived on the then landmass that lies between what is now the UK and the continental Europe must have felt when the sea to the North gradually transgressed southward and they saw their lands and villages slowly disappearing before their very eyes as the waters rose. Now that was what GW can really do.
While the effects of GW are no doubt catastrophic for some, just imagine how such as the Northern Hemisphere would be affected if the ice began to advance once again which it could do in the space of a lifetime and given that we are in an interglacial period, probably the only thing standing in the way of a return of the ice at the moment is the temperature increases attributed to human-kind.

If we were to see ice advancing as it did at the beginning of the last ice age, then many parts of Northern Europe and the likes would be totally uninhabitable with quite possibly many hundreds of millions being displaced which would no doubt result in famine and wars so, the CC bods need to be careful for what they wish for as the alternative could be far worse.
Same cancelling and ******** regarding treating covid. It’s all about the money. There are genuine cheap ways of preventing and/or treating covid.
.... There are genuine cheap ways of preventing and/or treating covid.
Really? Do we have another UKworkshop Nobel Prize winner in the offing or are you just talking about masks and distancing?
are you also anti vaccination, covid sceptic and pro brexit? It's a syndrome. askin for a friend

There we have it .................... took a few pages but we all knew it was coming.
He'll take his football home and tell his mum on you.
Really? Do we have another UKworkshop Nobel Prize winner in the offing or are you just talking about masks and distancing?
Common sense and taking precautions. I have found it quite simple to do this. Some struggle with common sense and ignore advice. Can I claim my medal?
Where is YOUR evidence that climate change is ENTIRELY man made?
All quiet on this front? Have you cracked it yet ey tony?
Maybe this is the main problem that the deniers and sceptics have - they don't know how to find things out. It's easier than you think - just type in a question:

Screenshot 2021-11-13 at 19.08.35.png

Then read through thousands of expert opinions
Hope that helps
well that proves you know how to ask google a loaded questions.
I am a believer by the way. I just find your belittling attitude distasteful.
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The can moves a little further down the road...
'The pledges on emissions cuts made at the two-week long Cop26 summit in Glasgow fell well short of those required to limit temperatures to 1.5C, according to scientific advice. Instead, all countries have agreed to return to the negotiating table next year, at a conference in Egypt, and re-examine their national plans, with a view to increasing their ambition on cuts.'
All quiet on this front? Have you cracked it yet ey tony?
Maybe this is the main problem that the deniers and sceptics have - they don't know how to find things out. It's easier than you think - just type in a question:

Hope that helps

You are funny! Every forum has its rectally verbose member(s) and it looks like I might have found one!
I read your post and it suddenly dawned me that I'd forgotten to clean out the cat's litter boxes....thanks for reminding me!
The can moves a little further down the road...
'The pledges on emissions cuts made at the two-week long Cop26 summit in Glasgow fell well short of those required to limit temperatures to 1.5C, according to scientific advice. Instead, all countries have agreed to return to the negotiating table next year, at a conference in Egypt, and re-examine their national plans, with a view to increasing their ambition on cuts.'

What exactly are you hoping they will do?
Where is YOUR evidence that climate change is ENTIRELY man made?
I am not the one bigging it up about my alleged credentials but without any backup or verification whatsoever. So I will ask again...if you have spent so long becoming an expert in this then where is the evidence to support your assertions ? Peer-reviewed papers, for example?
Quite an interesting debate and one that would benefit from less of the emotive.
I confess that I am on the side of the believers for no other reason that I accept the findings of the majority of the world's scientists and without, I might add, doing any investigation of my own.
To the sceptics this puts me firmly in the realm of stupid - one of the great horde of mindless sheeple that blindly follow whatever dictums that emanate from the mouths of those who claim to know better...
But I have two problems with this assessment - research and selectivity.
Concerning research, some years ago at age 60 I retrained and qualified in the field of emergency medicine and became the man in the back of the little yellow truck that everybody sincerely hopes they will never have to meet. As part of the study in Year Three I had to present a research paper on a related topic. I hasten to add that I did not do the research, I just had to write a paper supporting or rejecting a hypothesis based on research already available. The reason for this supposedly to demonstrate the students ability to present a reasoned argument based on and citing well founded research. At the time there was some discussion on the use of nitrates in the treatment of myocardial ischaemia so my paper was based on the use of glycerin trinitrate in patients presenting with acute chest pain and respiratory distress. Over the following months I read every paper known to man on the subject and didn't understand much of it at all. In spite of my years of study most of it was way above my head so the conclusion of my paper supported the generally accepted precepts with a few caveats thrown in to make me look intelligent.
So why, unlike medicine, given that I have absolutely no training at all in the earth sciences is it considered illogical that I accept the findings of those who have high levels of expertise in the field? Disclaimer: I don't do conspiracies.
And secondly concerning selectivity, why do climate sceptics expect believers to thoroughly investigate climate science, a science in which vast majority of us have no expertise and only the most rudimentary understanding and yet at the same time blithely accept personally unproven science on a continual daily basis?
Multiple times a day we slap a cellphone up against our heads choosing to believe the science that assures us that electro magnetic radiation is not cooking our brains.
Twice a day we brush our teeth trusting the science without personal evidence that the toothpaste is in fact strengthening the enamel and protecting from decay.
For those at risk of a cardiac event, we chew our daily aspirin blood thinner. Even if we understand the mechanism of action, do we bother to investigate the science that says aspirin works by preventing the aggregation of blood platelets thereby inhibiting the formation of thrombi on arterial walls? Or do we just accept what the manufacturers and drug pushers are telling us?
I conclude that trying to drag climate science into disrepute is based on fear. I have some fear that the future is going to bring undreamt of and unwanted changes but I prefer that fear to the fear that would make me shut my eyes and block my ears and hope like hell it all just goes away.
OK. Rant over. Now I'm going into the aircraftery to build a couple of Focke Wulf 190 D's.
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