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Ain't predictive text marmalade!
I vote this as the best post over the nine pages...
But the question remains... Is the planet toast?
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Ain't predictive text marmalade!
Ask the question loaded the the way "is climate change not entirely man made" and you get much the same answerswell that proves you know how to ask google a loaded questions.
As John's post above suggests, best not be derailed by engaging them at all - it's a clear, well documented strategy to create doubt and buy time and thus continued profits.Also evidence that CC sceptic scientists are not very common, as we have seen - only David Bellamy getting a mention in this thread so far. They seem to be the leaders in this field!
Thanks for that hadn't noticed it. Will listen.I'm not going to bother to argue with any of the climate deniers, as it's a waste of time. Those who do think there's something in it, however, might find the attached link interesting. I just listened to all bar the last episode, ironically while sitting in a tailback on the M4. Intriguing how the same names crop up in both the tobacco funded misinformation campaign and that funded by fossil fuel firms.
These people are very clever manipulators, up against scientists who are generally not so slick when presenting to the media.
It's BBC, a lot of you will immediately dismiss it as biased. Fair enough. Don't listen to it. Thankfully you won't be the ones making important decisions in these matters.
I am NOT bigging myself up, I'm merely pointed out that I have some actual knowledge of the subject at academic level rather than simply regurgitating what I'd been told without question or fully understanding what I'm regurgitating.I am not the one bigging it up about my alleged credentials but without any backup or verification whatsoever. So I will ask again...if you have spent so long becoming an expert in this then where is the evidence to support your assertions ? Peer-reviewed papers, for example?
That is what is known as "bigging yourself up", not to mention "complacent", "patronising" and "insulting"I am NOT bigging myself up, I'm merely pointed out that I have some actual knowledge of the subject at academic level rather than simply regurgitating what I'd been told without question or fully understanding what I'm regurgitating.
Just one more step! No point in being pessimistic and it's not too late to keep up the pressure.Well the conclusion has to be a cop out, China and India cannot agree to no more coal at this point in time as they have no alternatives to keep industry going and the lights on, so if you live on a small island then maybe time to move before the big rush and it becomes a stampede. As time moves on then the people who have questioned global warming will now be able to get hands on and experience it first hand providing they are not to old.
And that's you being reasonable, friendly, open minded and accepting. Not. You seem to have set yourself up as the Spanish Inquisition -perhaps you might recognise yourself in the following:That is what is known as "bigging yourself up", not to mention "complacent", "patronising" and "insulting"
We are not all idiots.
Yes, definitely not! Well spotted!And that's you being reasonable, friendly, open minded and accepting. Not.
how much of their carbon footprint is attributable to making the endless of amounts of goods we import into "the West"?
So every so often, a rank outsider wins the race. Nobody would deny that.I am NOT bigging myself up, I'm merely pointed out that I have some actual knowledge of the subject at academic level rather than simply regurgitating what I'd been told without question or fully understanding what I'm regurgitating.
l have also learned that it's actually pointless arguing with people of that ilk as they wouldn't be able to hold a valid discussion regarding the nuances of the claims from both sides. Most people wouldn't have a clue whether what they were told was actually fact or fiction.
The people who big themselves up are those who are clueless and have to resort to wikipedia for their shallow understanding but still ridicule those who are intelligent enough to actually question the data. Questioning data isn't bigging oneself up.
Quoting from Wikipedia et al are not substitutes for understanding and highlights how little they know. Wikipedia is the last place to look for facts.
It's not a case that I'm a so called denier. Climatic changes have been going on for billions of years so it's not a new phenomenon and it would be difficult not to accept that the effects on our climate are contributed to by anthropogenic patterns of behaviour but, it is valid to question by how much which appears to go over the heads of the hard of thinking.
I simply choose not to accept all of the data put out as truth, some of which is clearly questionable to anyone with a modicum of understanding of the principles behind the subject.
It's got to the stage where questioning the data is seen as heresy much akin to questioning religious beliefs. Only fools and the indoctrinated believe in such rubbish without question.
Just looking through scientific discoveries, the history of science is littered with so called 'consensus'. One only has to look at Darwin or Wegener to see who was correct, the consensus or them, so consensus means absolutely nothing. It's fact which does.
They were ridiculed and treated as insane by many of their peers so to use the word consensus as if it is correct is quite amusing. It's a red flag when anyone brandishes the consensus argument.
Wegener for instance first proposed the theory behind continental drift around 1915 for which he was ridiculed by his peers. It was only in the 1960s that it was accepted as being correct. Up to that point the firm consensus was that he was wrong and it was only after others who weren't part of the consensus actually proved his theory.
With regard to anyone who describes me as a denier/sceptic or whatever, it doesn't bother me in the slightest as I don't value their opinions.
I don't hope to change anyone's mind, as most people I find have already made up their mind. All I ask is that people at least critically question some of the claims rather than just accept one side's views.
Anyway, that's me done on the subject as it's pointless discussing it further.
Solar power. I understand that India has massive potential for this. Obviously the transition wouldn't be instantaneous, and maybe they could use a little help.And that's you being reasonable, friendly, open minded and accepting. Not. You seem to have set yourself up as the Spanish Inquisition -perhaps you might recognise yourself in the following:
The idea that India could swap all of its coal generation to something else at the drop of a hat is insane. 70% of their electricity comes from coal, which they dig up themselves so it is cheap. What should they replace it with, and with how much of Jacob's pocket money?