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23 Feb 2005
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North Wales
Hello all of you computer whiz kids, I need some advice.I am of the older generation and relatively new to computers. I make out time sheets for my wife for the ladies golf section. I make out the heading giving details of the competition, date ,time etc. under which I put a table for the competitors to put their names. The table is normally about four columns and about twentyfour rows. These are normally done with a font of 16 which will fill an A4 sheet. When the sheet comes back with the competitors names on, and I come to type them on to the saved template I wish to use a different,
font, lets say font 14. I put my cursor in the column go to font size on the tool bar and choose 14, type in the name and then move to the next row, which immediately changes the font back to 16, which is the size that I formatted the table.
What I need to know is there a way where I can change the font and it will stay at that setting as I move down the rows without me having to change the font each time I move the cursor from row to row ??

Cheers Alan
In Word....

Simply select by a left click on your mouse and drag your cursor over the box/rows you want to change the font size in and then select the will only change the selected row and not the rest of the table.

Hello Ray - Howejoe, Thanks for the quick reply, tried that but is there a way that I can change the font size to 14 but still leave the table at font size 16

Cheers Alan
Hi Alan,

If you only highlight / select certain cells and change the font size in those cells only, then the rest of the table should remain as you originally formatted. When you place the cursor in the different cells, you'll see that the font size indicator will change to whatever size you have selected.

hope this helps
Hello howjoe, If I highlight the first row and change the font I am ok for that row, but when I go to the next row the font will change back to the font size of the table, and what I want is to leave the columns and rows at font 16 and type in the names at font 14 without having to change font each time, if that is possible. Sorry if I am not making myself very clear :oops: :oops: :oops:

Cheers Alan :oops:
have you tried creating the blank table as a 'template' rather than as an active spreadsheet? that should fix the size of the cells, then the they should stop 'autofitting' the cells to the font size

file>save as>then click the drop down box below the proposed filename
'save as type', or possibly 'file format' (it depends which incarnation of office you have) and select 'template'

gwaithcoed":4u2qjd4o said:
Hello howjoe, If I highlight the first row and change the font I am ok for that row, but when I go to the next row the font will change back to the font size of the table, and what I want is to leave the columns and rows at font 16 and type in the names at font 14 without having to change font each time, if that is possible. Sorry if I am not making myself very clear :oops: :oops: :oops:

Cheers Alan :oops:

You can highlight more than one row at a time...e.g. rows 1,2,3,4 by draging the cursor down as well as across...if that makes sense? But if you want to have font sizes in intermittent rows e.g row 1 = 16 row 2 = 14 row 3 = 16 and so on, then you'll need to re-size the font individually in each row.

Cheers Howard

Jim is on thew money with what he is saying - the font size is one think, the row height is another.

To do what you want, select all the rows before typing any data, go to format -> Row -> height. A box will appear with a row height in it (20.25 in my case at 16 point font) click on OK, then with the rows still highlighted change the font size to 14. This will leave the row height the same but change the font size.

Basically XL will always assume you want to "Autofit" to the smallest possible if you do not tell it the row height

gwaithcoed":206l86iy said:
I make out the heading giving details of the competition, date ,time etc. under which I put a table for the competitors to put their names.

Les, from what Alan has said, I think he's talking about a table in Word and not an XL spreadsheet. Either way, we've covered both.

Alan, how are you getting on? Did any of what we've suggested get the result you need?


That will teach me to read the post properly!

Howard you're right, and I though the question came from you originally - far too early on a friday for me.

Ok, in word the principal of what I said is the same, only you get to the row height by right clicking on the table and selecting Table Properties, then click on the tab for Row, where you can select the row height. I found 0.7cm works for 16pt font, and stays "bigger" when you change the font size to 14

Hope this helps more tahn my last post!

BTW I tested this in Word2003 I can't remember if ity is the same in previous versions

Hello everyone, thank you for your replies. I couldn't get the desired result in Microsoft word, but am now sorted using Excel.However I have also found that if in Microsoft word I first choose a font (e.g. 12) then go to Table>Draw Table and start to draw the outline of the table down the page far enough for me to insert any heading. I then draw in random horizontal lines to give me 24 spaces, then put in the vertical lines for the cloumns. I then go to Table>Autofit>Ditribute Rows Evenly and repeat for columns. This gives me a table with the desired number of rows and columns and when I type into them the font always remains at 12.

Thanks again for your input

Cheers Alan.

I'm on a learning curve, I can't wait until it starts to go upwards.
Alan, sounds like a long way round to skin the cat :)

Have you tried creating tables and documents in Word by using different "Styles"? The default Style is "Normal" should be visible on your toolbar. If you want part of your table to have different fonts etc. you can create or change the Style (click Format > Style) then you can modify it by clicking on the buttons that you see then save it (you can rename it as well). You can then highlight boxes or text and select the Style you want using the drop down on the the toolbar. Best using Styles other than "Normal" (the Word default) as it's not that amenable to change. It's also handy using particular Styles because if you want to change all text in a particular Style. E.g. Say you've created a Style called Text1 which is 12pt font and you want to change all text in Text1 from 12pt to 14pt, you can just highlight one word then change the font, then whilst the text is highlighted just click on its Style in the drop down, in this case Text1, and it will ask you if you want to 'update the Style' or 'reapply the original formatting'. If you check the box for updating the Style, all text in Text1 will change from 12pt to 14pt.

Hope this makes sense. E
Maybe I'm not reading this right either but my interpretation of what Alan is trying to do is end up with a table with a heading row at the top and a column at the left which are both in 14pt but names in all the other cells at 12pt. In that case selecting all or some of the rows or all or some of the columns and changing that won't help because the selection will contain a cell that should remain at 14pt. So, Alan try this:

- Move you mouse pointer to the top left cell that you want to be in 12pt.

- Click with the left mouse button and keep it held down.

- Drag to the bottom right cell that you want in 12pt, probably the bottom right of the table.

- This will select (in black) all the cells into which you want to put names.

- Release the left mouse button.

- Select the 12pt font size from the toolbar at the top of the screen.

- Save the blank form.

Now when you put the cursor in any cell to enter a name it will automatically be in 12pt text.

Does this help?

Les wrote

Ok, in word the principal of what I said is the same, only you get to the row height by right clicking on the table and selecting Table Properties, then click on the tab for Row, where you can select the row height. I found 0.7cm works for 16pt font, and stays "bigger" when you change the font size to 14

Hope this helps more tahn my last post!

Cheers Les , tried this and it works perfect on all my time sheets.


I'm still on the learning curve, but its now going uphill a little