COMP063 Cloakroom Cabinet Finished

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8 Mar 2004
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Well I've managed to make the deadline with a few days to spare, I was getting a bit worried after the mistakes I've made during this project.

Straight forward cabinet, cupboards with locks and two drawers.

The wood is cherry and the finish is numerous coats of finishing oil with a light rub down between coats.

So I think I've covered the storage requirement but not to sure about the curve requirements, as can be seen here there is a slight curve in the front of the top. If it doesn't meet the criteria then never mind,


Drawers have hand cut dovetails back and front which I have to say, (even though time consuming) a joy to make


This the front view.


While making this I have also been completely revamping the downstairs cloakroom which inspired me to make the cabinet in the first place, the only problem is that it will only be on display to those who sit on the throne.
Looks great.
How did you find working with Cherry? Never used it myself until my competition piece. Amazing wood to work. I can see why it's so popular for furniture making...
Good luck for Friday.
Looks great Waka - therefore, I'm intrigued to hear of the numorous mistakes you encountered along the way!! :wink:

so who is looking for brownie points in the looo :lol: :lol: :lol:

really nice cabinet, and a good storage idea.

now i have something else to aim for with the cherry i have just bought.

paul :wink:
Thanks all for your kind words.

Andy, using cherry is a joy, this is the first time I have used it, but it won't be the last, I've just ordered 10cuft for some other projects I have in mind, actually what HID's has in mind.

Ah how to get brownie points, it all depends what your after, for me its the purchase of a new bandsaw with a 30mm depth of cut.

This is how it works, you wait until HID's is around then start planing a thick piece of timber. You explain that most of it will end up as sawdust becasue you have no means slicing it to thinner pieces.

It's at this point that HID's comes up with the brillient idea of using a bandsaw. Works all the time, need I say more.
I hope that you mean '300mm depth of cut', else you are better off with a tenon saw :!:
At least it will give you something to do at Yandles, remind me to have a bad back that day...
If you need the van let me know.
Ok, OK so I missed out a zero. :oops: :oops:

No worries for Yandles, I've got my eye on the Axminster one, just waiting for Philly to get his so I can give it a test run.

I hope his house move doesn't get in the way :D :D

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