Colour complete

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Little Woodworm
2 Jul 2012
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A few shots showing the bowl in the colour video, first as coloured but no lacquer, then lacquered and polished, you can easily see the difference the lacquer makes!

I put up a few so that it would be possible to see how the colour blending works, plus a good look at the base which was done at the NBG show.

The lacquer is as I proposed in the video, only I used 3 coats not 4 of the gloss, it seemed sufficient to me for this one.








Nice work there Kim, need to have a go at this. Could you use melamine lacquer and wipe it on or does it have to be sprayed on?
Thanks Andy, you can use melamine for sure, it's very good as a finish, but spraying is pretty much the only way to apply it, wiping it on would cause two problems,
1: it would be a solvent to the colour and make it run, it would drag in lines and spoil the effect.
2: it would be next to impossible to get such an even coat as you would with a spray, this would very much affect the final finish and appearance.

If you are going to put in the time and effort needed to produce a nice piece of work, why stint on the most important aspect? (not that I am suggesting you were thinking of that mind you!) it is the finishing which makes a piece, and for colour, it pretty much demands a glossy finish to bring out the best in the colour work.

You should still use a sealer of some sort before using the melamine though (at least I think that's right)

If you have a bash, show us your results, don't worry if it looks a bit odd, I have a sackful of those myself!
Thanks Kim
I did think that wiping it on might drag the stains (was just making sure) just 2 questions, do you de nib between the coats of lacquer? and what polishing method is used? I do have the 3 wheel system.
Looks good as normal Kim. Brushes should be on order and now sitting and ordering some more refills of my stain. All I can say is watch this space
Thanks Derek, looking forward to seeing your stuff !

@ Andy, I denib after the third coat of sealer just to make sure that I have as flat a surface as possible, with the lacquer I play it by ear, if it needs another go over then I will do it. I do use the chestnut three wheel system yes, but for lacquered stuff I rarely use the third wheel, I find the finish off the diamond white is as good as it gets, I certainly don't put any wax on lacquer or shellac, I find it dulls the gloss a little.

I intend to do another video soon on using the wheels for a lacquer finish.

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