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Until I get to use it in anger which I'm hoping will happen today/tomorrow - this is my last altered version. I've added slots to the sides but kept the option of securing from the front mainly because I don't have a cordless version so can't see what rigidity problems others may come across. I'll have a STEP, f3d, STL and 3mf version available for whoever wants to tinker with the design. Just PM me. After I've used it a few times I'll post it on Thingiverse and Printables.

Router Lathe Stand v14.jpg
I wonder if they could be made operable from the rear (and just use the top two). That would seem to be quite ergonomic as the depth (router body sliding into router base) is also set from that side/position.

Another option might be an over-centre (cam) mechanism - like on a bicycle seatpost or QR wheels.

You might be able to design something that engages with one of the crenellations in the main adjustment knob. Basically a circle with a notch cut out of it on a pivot with enough friction to keep it where you put it.

Rotate so its notch is opposite the black knob, make the height adjustment, rotate so it locks the black knob.. It would limit you to 1/6 of a turm adjustments, but that is unlikely to be an issue.
I took on board some or part of your suggestions and tried it out. I didn't re-print it for my use but did make the alterations to the jig CAD files. That version only requires two knobs on either side of the jig.
I've printed the new sides and carrier as per the latest CAD files. The slots at the front are probably redundant now with the knobs added to the sides but I kept them on my version along with the corresponding screw holes. The new designed carrier allows the tool to be 5mm closer to the workpiece.
Centre Finder. Another re-design of an old idea. I suppose this is mainly for the woodturners out there although you could use it to mark or find the centre of most things. Not good for marking the centre of bowls over 130mm diameter unless you make a much larger model but I really would only use it to mark the ends of spindles. Just squeeze it closed over the end of the piece and tap the head of the centre marker (a sharpened m6 bolt) with the persuader of choice. There are only two models to load. Print Four of one and Three of the other and connect with M6 bolts. I've included STEP, OBJ, STL and F3D files so you can make your own adjustments if you wish. I've uploaded it to Thangs here: Finder/Marker-1268790?source=All+Files

Centre Finder.
Wish I had seen your message on Saturday before I successfully failed to locate the centre and drilled four slightly off-centre holes in four identical legs. It doesn’t make any functional or aesthetic difference, but knowing this failure will definitely annoy me for some time.

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