Climate change policy

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Precisely the same type of article written when we get a more than minor snowfall - why can't we be more like Sweden that keeps going with a 100mm dusting when the UK grinds to a halt.
Because we are talking about UK problems due to weather patterns reacting to climate change.
Sweden will have its own weather problems due to climate change.
And it's not "precisely" the same problem as in previous years - it's changing.
......An objective review of whether priorities should change in favour of response to extreme weather would be sensible......
Well spotted!
In fact, that is whole issue. It's not about "normal" variations. It's about new extremes and about the likelihood of these becoming normal. It's the extremes which are the problem! Self evident truth really.
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These figures highlight the importance of considering consumption-based emissions alongside territorial emissions to fully understand the UK’s contribution to global GHG emissions. Addressing emissions embedded in imports is crucial for developing comprehensive strategies to reduce the nation’s overall carbon footprint.
And let's not forget that we are rapidly reaching CCFC ....Chinese ?rap For Christmas.