Climate change policy

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I don't think anyone on here is arguing that the reduction of fossil fuel use should be immediate, but rather at the fastest possible rate.
We should have been phasing it out for years. The longer we leave it the more "immediate" will be the consequences.
Might give it to one of the grandchildren for christmas it's more their sort of thing I think!
Ask one of them to show you how it works. I find mine indispensable now. Like carrying my laptop around in my pocket. In fact I can't remember the last time I used my laptop!
I'm all for the UK government aiming for the 2050 deadline in order to cut down harmful emissions to help the planet in some small way providing that the UK is in synchronised step with the major polluters and not unilaterally racing ahead at breakneck speed in order to finish first so that the virtue signallers can have their day on the podium.

The top 10 pollution contributors are simply not going to handicap their economies so that they can look good on the virtue signaler's podium, they are unfortunately going to protect their own interests first and likewise we should do the same but continue forward with the same goals in a modified timeframe.
By that logic we should ramp our use of fossil fuels up until India catches up :unsure: :rolleyes:

You berated people not so long ago about a perceived inability to think positively and take on challenges yet here you are wanting to just accept the lowest common denominator.

If we develop the technology and lead the way we prosper. If we don't we will be less competitive in the medium term. We don't need hobble our economy to do it.
is it worse now than historically where parents would get home from work stick the TV on and say not a word until 'bed time' was called out, who knows?
But once upon a time mummy did not have to go to work and spent her time bringing up the kid or kids and would sit down and watch childrens Tv with them and then the Tv went off and you went out and played with real friends or walked down the shops with mum as dad used the car for work and mum did not drive. Now seems like they are driven everywhere and get ignored to much.
Can you provide us with some reputable source on all those claims of the net zero change harming our economy?
Can you provide some reputable source which supports the claim that achieving net zero by 2050 will NOT adversely affect industry and the people of the UK?

It will come at a huge cost and make out industries uncompetitive I've no doubt and if not properly managed will harm our economy and the living standards of the people of this country and for what?
It will make virtually no difference to the total world output whatever we do in relation to the harmful emissions unless it's in unison with the other heavy polluters but I suppose it will make the virtue signallers feel good about themselves.

If you're hoping for investment in future technologies by UK companies to lead the world that's a good start but then the first thing to do is get rid of this bunch of lying rabble that's in government as we speak.
This country is never going to lead anything while these buffoons are in charge unless it's to the bottom.
Anyway to get back off topic I've just bought another smart phone to see if I can make use of it but I hate the *****r even more than the first one. Just an expensive toy. Not even mobile like my Doro 611. Phone not easy to operate or hear. More time spent trying to work out how to use it rather than actually using the *****r . Have now added a second account so that I can use the Doro as a mobile while the Samsung beeps away to itself somewhere in the house.
Might give it to one of the grandchildren for christmas it's more their sort of thing I think!
Come to think If the Doro 611 and similar were the latest offering they would be hailed as the brilliant solution to the smart phone problem and a major advance in mobile communications, and at a tiny fraction of the price.
Goodness me. Modern smart phones are a doddle even for an old geezer like me. I stick with Motorola.
Straight forward Android OS that does everything I need and a whole lot more beside and at a very affordable price as far as smart phones go.

It can do all the usual calls, send and receive texts, send/read emails etc etc . I can chat virtually face to face in real time with family members, check my bank balances and transfer money, I can check the screen to see who is prowling around at any time if my CCTV informs me of unusual activity, find my way to a house miles away, really the list is endless and a smart phone is a great tool to help deal with modern living.

Phone calls are the least of my demands of my phone.. it's all the other things which it can do that makes it a no-brainer for me to own one but then again each to their own and for some people the good old Nokia will suffice.

The best thing to do is experiment with it. Kids will pick up things far more quickly where technology is concerned simply because unlike more mature people, they are not afraid to get it wrong whereas many adults are afraid of technology which prevents them from picking it up quickly as kids do.
Goodness me. Modern smart phones are a doddle even for an old geezer like me.
But what are people using them for ? What can anyone be looking at for twenty five minutes whilst sitting in a cafe with freinds who are being ignored . These things have become the centre of attention and everyone seems to be holding onto them as if life ceases without them. Could this be how assimulation starts !
But what are people using them for ? What can anyone be looking at for twenty five minutes whilst sitting in a cafe with freinds who are being ignored . These things have become the centre of attention and everyone seems to be holding onto them as if life ceases without them. Could this be how assimulation starts !
Well, if they're anything like me, they're following threads like these with great interest, plus it's preferable to talking to some of the people I know 🤣 🤣
Can you provide some reputable source which supports the claim that achieving net zero by 2050 will NOT adversely affect industry and the people of the UK?

It will come at a huge cost and make out industries uncompetitive I've no doubt and if not properly managed will harm our economy and the living standards of the people of this country and for what?
It will make virtually no difference to the total world output whatever we do in relation to the harmful emissions unless it's in unison with the other heavy polluters but I suppose it will make the virtue signallers feel good about themselves.

If you're hoping for investment in future technologies by UK companies to lead the world that's a good start but then the first thing to do is get rid of this bunch of lying rabble that's in government as we speak.
This country is never going to lead anything while these buffoons are in charge unless it's to the bottom.
You can't prove a negative!
But once upon a time mummy did not have to go to work and spent her time bringing up the kid or kids and would sit down and watch childrens Tv with them and then the Tv went off and you went out and played with real friends or walked down the shops with mum as dad used the car for work and mum did not drive. Now seems like they are driven everywhere and get ignored to much.
Ouch !
That's almost as "idealised" as King Charles' arcadian visions of English villages.
I remember some happy days like that but I also can't help but see it as a terribly old fashioned and frankly sexist portrayal. As far back as I can remember, many mothers have needed to work or chosen to work and maintain a career.
Us kids were all grateful to mine for helping put food on the table when my dad was among hundreds laid off and looking for work.
And in rural places you didn't walk down the shops. Lads and lasses both learnt to drive as soon as they could, and even then you might have no choice but to wait an hour for a bus.
But once upon a time mummy did not have to go to work and spent her time bringing up the kid or kids and would sit down and watch childrens Tv with them and then the Tv went off and you went out and played with real friends or walked down the shops with mum as dad used the car for work and mum did not drive. Now seems like they are driven everywhere and get ignored to much.
Yes rose tinted spectacles will always see the past as better. I know all my parental friends are trying to find their way through modern parenting, do any of them let their kids have endless screen time, no. Do any of us push our kids out the door to play outside, yes most of us. It may seem like kids get driven everywhere and ignored too much but I doubt it is much 'worse' than the past just different.
The UK’s reduction in CO2 is due to phasing out coal as means of heating, replacing it with gas boilers.

We are at the same point again now where we are trying to phase out polluting technologies once again ;)
Absolutely, with the wind, wave and solar available to us as a nation we can drive CO2 emission's down and have control of our energy sources. It's easiest with heating and electrical power supplies, enabling transport to benefit from low CO2 power needs electrification of the vehicle stock or the use of Hydrogen , liquid ie ammonia or gas phase, as an intermediate 'chemical battery'.
@Spectric 's post threw me back to thinking about childhood and how different the world was just 60 years ago. Others will remember more. It reminds me that the only constant is change. In my experience it's better to embrace change and have some influence over what happens to you than be dragged along unwillingly and with no voice.
On climate change, we should recognise the threat, not to ourselves so much as our children, and all do what we can to make our country resilient into a tougher future. Hiding as one of a herd of sheep is short term tactical gain, not long term strategic survival. Embracing sustainability society wide does sound more strategic to me.
we should recognise the threat, not to ourselves so much as our children,
Indeed. I'm not so worried about my grown-up children, but what sort of a future will my three grandchildren face in 60 years time when they're my age.

I remember watching video calls in the film 2001 Space Odyssey in 1969 and thinking 'not in my lifetime', but I think nothing now of videocalling my mate in America - on my phone, not in a phone cubicle as in the film. There's so much great technology n the world now, it's tragic that we can't use it more wisely.
You can't prove a negative!
What if I use 'i' and 'j' notation?

I don't know what all the fuss is about To achieve net zero, it's going to cost an inordinate amount in order to realise this goal which I'm not actually against. However anyone with even half a brain can see that it will ultimately come at great cost to the ordinary people of this country so it has to be approached very carefully otherwise the UK could come unstuck if it gets it wrong.

It's actually got nothing to do with proving a negative...the simple logic is that unless we have the suitable infrastructure and technology in place to take advantage of this net zero world we're about to enter and other nations are doing likewise then logic tells one that it will heap extra costs on businesses making them unable to compete and therefore reduce the standards of living for everyone if the economy is affected.

We have a government which from it's taxation policies so far, is effectively anti-business so don't hold out for them to make things right, because they won't.
Can you provide some reputable source which supports the claim that achieving net zero by 2050 will NOT adversely affect industry and the people of the UK?
Tony, you made the original claim, its up to to prove it.

have you not heard of Hitchens Razor?

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence"
However anyone with even half a brain can see that it will ultimately come at great cost to the ordinary people of this country
that is opinion stated as fact

please could you explain what that opinion is based on..........shall we assume its just cognitive bias and not based on empirical evidence?
Indeed. I'm not so worried about my grown-up children, but what sort of a future will my three grandchildren face in 60 years time when they're my age.
social media is the reason why right wing populists are getting into power

I doubt if a Donald Trump wouldve been able to win 15 years ago

social media spread lies faster than the truth can catch up.........which is why the liars are winning
that is opinion stated as fact

please could you explain what that opinion is based on..........shall we assume its just cognitive bias and not based on empirical evidence?
What is my opinion based on? Well for starters working for myself and being in business since the 1960s gives me a decent grasp of business economics and economics as a whole.

What is your opinion based on which says that you are correct and I am wrong?
How many successful business ventures have you undertaken in the past 50 years that would qualify you to criticise my opinions?

I don't need facts and figures to predict for instance that many part time jobs are going to disappear because of Starmer and his bunch of clown's latest taxation changes.
He's no friend to the part time worker and Starmer's taxes have just made the jobs of those in part time work right now more vulnerable simply because many employers will simply not be able to afford to employ them. You couldn't make it up with this lot, they get worse by the hour.
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