AJB Temple":28w5stxq said:
Tasky, my old China. I'm not taking it seriously at all.
From way up there on your high horse, ya could'a fooled me... !!
Seriously, how is the weather up there?
AJB Temple":28w5stxq said:
I just think that you tend to make somewhat snide posts that add no value so I am pricking your bubble for amusement. That's all.
I have already said, I am in no way derogatory or mocking toward the publication. Merely pointing out the word play, that people might enjoy a little giggle.
If that's too much for you to manage, then either feel free to ignore me or give your sense of humour a major service.
AJB Temple":28w5stxq said:
Perfectly happy to ignore you in future if you prefer. I suspect I will not be alone in that.
Oh, you do what you want, mate...
I'm trying to be all happy and sociable and friendly, perhaps even start some points of conversation and all I get from the likes of you is umbrage and derailed threads over it - I'd hope the rest of the forum isn't like this!
AJB Temple":28w5stxq said:
How about being constructive and helpful, and losing the negativity?
Well, knowing nothing of the specific subject matter but seeing an opening through which to join in the thread and be part of the forum, like, I felt that
was being constructive, in the only way open to me.
The negativity came from your end, seemingly incensed over nothing more than a passing quip.
Remember, offense is always taken, never given...